Crime pays off in memrise / O crime compensa no memrise

Amazing how the thieves do not matter to pretend they are honest.

It has more than 1 year I’m in this course (Learn Italian for Polyglot • No T… - by deactivated user - Memrise) and Roberto72 was the leader for all this time.

From one moment to another comes A SHIT such HFGW and is just 5x more points than the “almost eternal leader” of course had.

In the overall ranking, followed a part of romzez dedication to get the lead, probably hours of study for several months and reaches such a extremethief and not only went as we have opened 15 million points suddenly.

Finally, you forget about that extra income you have from me. I will not support “shelter” for cheaters and farmers.

Incrível como os ladrões não fazem nem questão de fingir que são honestos.

Tem mais de 1 ano que estou nesse curso ( Learn Italian for Polyglot • No T… - by deactivated user - Memrise ) e o Roberto72 foi o líder por todo esse tempo.

De uma hora para outra chega UM MERDA como esse HFGW e faz logo 5x mais pontos do que o “líder quase eterno” do curso tinha.

No ranking geral, acompanhei uma parte da dedicação do romzez para chegar a liderança, provavelmente horas de estudo durante vários meses e chega um tal de extremethief e não só passou como já abriu 15 milhões de pontos de repente.

E por fim, pode esquecer essa renda extra que vocês teriam da minha parte. Não vou sustentar “abrigo” para cheaters e farmers.

@marciojmendes ~ Please don’t let this issue bother you so much. There is very little that will probably ever be done about it. Please try to focus on why you are using Memrise in the first place - to learn ! People who circumvent the system aren’t learning. They are farming points, but learning or retaining nothing. That’s a useless exercise.

Take a look at the leaderboard picture you sent. @Roberto72 is (really) number one, and you are (really) number 2. You have shown dedication to learning. @Roberto72 is something of a legend in Memrise. He has been a leader for a long, long time, and you are right on his heels. You have shown that you have the capability to learn and retain what you learn. GOOD FOR YOU ! I hope you keep it up.

Please don’t focus on the point farmers. They aren’t worth the time and energy. Please try to focus your time and energy on learning, or being a mentor to people who don’t have the knowledge, skills and abilities with languages like you do. Try to do something positive with Memrise, like the vast majority of us are trying to do. Don’t let what others do tarnish your opinions of what Memrise has to offer, and what you can do with that offer. Learning can be a never-ending experience if you focus your attention and goals accordingly.

Of course you can leave Memrise at any time for another system, but if you do, and if you encounter similar point farmers, or people who want to circumvent that new system, then what do you do ? Do you leave that new system and go somewhere else ? That could be an endless exercise in futility and it’s just not worth it.

If you are learning on Memrise, then by all means continue to do so. Make each day better than the day before. Set goals to learn or share your learning with others. Don’t look at leaderboards, unless it is to guage YOUR progress. What others do is not important, especially if what they are doing runs counter to popular conventions, or in some way brings you irritation. Why put yourself through it. If Memrise staff won’t address the issue, why worry about it. Focus your energy on learning.

As for being a “theif”, I learned (from watching a lot of old black and white Hollywood-type movies) that the only really good thieves are the ones who can do something underhanded and no one notices that they did it. The ones you (and others) have pointed out are not exactly very good at what they do because people are aware of what they are doing. So try not to give them the attention they seem to crave. Maybe if people ignore them, they will go away. Maybe part of the thrill of point farming is seeing how it tends to upset people. If people ignore them, they lose that part of their thrill.

I hope you will continue to learn and grow. You have shown that in the past. I hope it continues into the future. Don’t worry so much about others. Focus on yourself. Accentuate the positive, ignore the negative.


I’m sorry but I do not accept see very THIEFS stealing shamelessly and nothing to be done about it.

(“memrise legend” is a bit funny, there is nothing “epic” about memrise… btw, I think roberto is Italian…)

0 - please “leave the church in the village”, so to say. Cheating on memrise is not a “crime”, is just crap (sorry)

1 Not even some of the “true” memperors/overlods pretend to be honest. As for the cheaters, none of them cheaters ever pretended to be honest.

I suspect cheaters are poor lil unhappy, very lonely and lacking any occupation people; a big part of them probably just bored kids.

2 Those million points don’t bring anything tangible in “real life” - point farmers, honest or dishonest, don’t learn better one single thing, don’t get better money, don’t get more positive attention in “real life”, don’t get the better job (if they have any), etc.

3 I agree, for some users, such as yourself, cheaters do ruin the joy of using memrise. Therefore memrise should do something about the issue.

(off topic 4. I would get tremendouly bored to have to click myself for months and months, in order to gather 20 million points in one single course…)

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Lien had stated in your other topic that:

  1. The Memrise team is aware that there are cheaters.

  2. They do not intend to deal with the cheaters, as they do not think it is a productive use of their time.

I realize that this issue bothers you a lot, and perhaps you’re still holding out hope you can convince the Memrise team otherwise… but considering that Lien has already relayed an “official” response from the Memrise team on the issue, I’m not sure you should be continuing to create these duplicate topics.

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How would you determine a cheater?

Does repeatedly restarting a course count as cheating, or maybe cheating is only when you use scripts to do so?

Should Memrise set limits of restarts? Different for each language? There is no point in restarting a ‘sentence’ course, whereas restaring a ‘Chinese characters’ course might be useful. Should Memrise then set the limits for each course? Or maybe when one reaches a certain points-words ratio in a couse he won’t be allowed to learn the course? (silly)

To what point are scripts allowed? Making a course ‘typing only’ is cheating? Using the ‘Memrise turbo’ script so I don’t have to tap Enter twice is cheating? Maybe ban usage of scripts? (no)

What about some courses being easing that others? What if someone uses Memrise to revise what he already knows? Should he be banned? Because that is ‘not fair’ towards someone who is leaerning new words?

How come that no-typing courses give same amount of points that typing courses?

What if one stopped learning a language, restarted all the courses, and then quitted them? Should he get banned because he destroyed his points-words ratio?

Where do you draw the line? @marciojmendes

As stated before: because there is no reward for having many points there won’t be any banning people for cheating on it. At least not in the nearest future.
(I personally would rather have Memrise staff fix bugs that make learning more difficult or create new features, rather than chasing cheaters on useless points.)

Memrise is a tool for learning. Why would you care because someone is using it in a different way?

Crime does not pay on Memrise. They get nothing for that besides your attention.

And they are not thieves. Did they steal your points? Well, kind of. If you spend time on learning, rather than complaining you would have more dem points.


how do I delete my account of this forum?

From the forum or from Memrise ?

Only in forum.

Sorry, my bad… I have no idea.

I couldn’t see anything in the settings page… Not sure if anyone has asked that question before.

I found this, under the 3 bars in the upper right corner of the web screen of the forum. In the FAQ, Terms of Service section it states: “If you wish to terminate this Agreement or your company_domain account (if you have one), you may simply discontinue using the Website.” That is all I could find. Sorry.

I also did not find it.

Thank you.

Soon I annoy me from time with this disregard of the owners and delete the account instead.

I’m still sorry that you feel this way, but you need to do what is best for you. Whatever that choice is, I wish you all the best in whatever you study and wherever you go in life’s journeys.

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It is not necessary that they spend energy looking for bad guys but when you have a complaint in a case so obvious, it costs to take a look?

It’s a lack of respect for the paying customers that support the platform.

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It’s amazing to me that the guys who keep telling you @marciojmendes-HFGW-T to just ignore the cheaters can’t just ignore your posts and have to keep responding to them and tell you to stop posting about cheaters. I appreciate your posts about cheaters. I don’t appreciate Memrise staff @lien ignoring those cheaters and locking your threads.

As Memrise staff won’t do anything about those cheaters, especially “extremedream”, I am going to delete the course of mine that “extremedream” hijacked and, I am going to take all of my other courses private before this person can hijack any more of them.

@Rodyzi I could ask you the same question. Where would you draw the line? Would you not agree that over 3,000,000 points in one day is quite absurd? How about over 17,000,000 points in one week? What about over 70,000,000 in one month? This is what “extremedream” has done this past month.

@AndrewFM - This is what @Lien said [quote=“Lien, post:2, topic:1057, full:true”]
Cheat indeed!

This user had been cheating the system for a while. So we reduced their points total to its pre-cheating state. Unfortunately reducing the total points doesn’t affect their leaderboard score for a particular course. We could probably reduce their points in the course leaderboard but would rather use our time more efficiently.


  1. (Yes) Memrise is definitely aware of cheaters.
  2. (No) Memrise HAS dealt with cheaters. They have reduced their overall points. They, however, do not intend to reduce, or delete, their individual course scores. That is why I will be deleting my course that “extremedream” hacked.

And to all of you out there who keep saying, “ignore the cheaters”, just ignore this post. If it bothers you, then just ignore it. Isn’t that what you are trying to tell us.

I do have this to say … it bothers me just as much, if not more, than it does @marciojmendes-HFGW-T. What really amazes me is that it doesn’t bother Memrise. Picture this Memrise: I am a new student to Memrise, and I also have a Pro account (I am a paying member). I decide to take on a course like this: or maybe this one: and I try and try and then I finally face the fact that I will never have what it takes to study like those guys. I could never do what they have done, I will never be able to learn this language as I should (at least not on this site).

Do you really want to keep those “fake” leaders on top?

@pdao - I love your calming spirit. Keep it up.

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The point is that you can’t really draw the line. The points don’t correspond to any real ‘learning value’. By doing a course with phrases you will get way much less points than when doing a course with words. Does it mean that you did less work?

The score extremedream got recently any many others got previously amazes me, and I don’t think it was done by true learning, because my best was 2 mln points in 4 days after I gave up on setting my weakly best. It would seems that he is using a scipt to do that but how would you set a system to automatically ban such users? My guess would be a million points daily is the limit, but then if I keept on practising, things I know, for a whole day I might be able surpass that.

Let’s suppose a system that bans people that surpass 1 mln points daily. What if someone who got banned e-mails Memrise saying that he didn’t cheat? It would end up in the same place, because Memrise would have to resolve each issue separately using staff’s time. Then maybe 2 million points daily? Then it wouldn’t be that far away from 70 mln points in one month.

In my opinion the global ranking is pointess, the ranking for each course has a promotional value - to indicate how popular a course is.

If you want to race someone race people you follow. If you think they cheat then unfollow them.

I could ignore this thread but I’m trying to help you.Don’t get me wrong I think that extremedream is cheating, and such things used to bother me as well. But I realized that there is no solution in the current points system that wouldn’t require staff’s input, and gave up on chasing cheaters.


I am not sure how one can ‘cheat’ on a serious course like the Italian one. I wonder if they are actually learning something - even if it is only one word!

And what do they gain from some clever system to score points? It would be nice if they used their energy in producing some great courses for all of us.

What I object to is dedicated point harvesting courses where the questions are say 1, 2, 3, 4, etc and the answer is 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

These I have reported to the MemRise team and they have deleted the course.

Finally, like @pdao, the joy of MemRise to me is to learn and to help others to have a good experience learning - that is why I support a lot of courses (and don’t have a lot of points!), especially when errors occur or the creator has become ‘dormant’. Sadly it is a lot harder to get in touch with many creators since the loss of the directly linked course forum, but an email to the team often results in being made a contributor.

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It has two lines for me:

  • The first is the absurd amount of points they get and so quickly.

  • The second, and most obvious, is the case of thief HFGW who makes no point in the week or month, but their total points are always increasing. Awesome right?

How old are you?

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