Creating mems without having to have a wrong answer

when you want to mems while learning, you have to get the question wrong, then make one, which means that you will lose your streak, and it is very annoying. ( I put this in bug control because I didn’t know what else to put it on)

no, you dont have to do that

answer right, and then click fast on “see answer”. Then you can create your mem

sneaky :smiley:

It only work on the web version though… Can’t do that on the app and it is as equally annoying.

Actually creating mems on Android is very easy in learning mode. You can only make textmems and can’t add pictures. For a month there has been a bug that you can’t edit nor delete your mem in browser if it was made with Android app. I used this thing a lot before the bug.

yes it is indeed, but when you are revising a word, you can not access mem creation without having a fail, that was the point here :slight_smile:

There is no need to see the mem when you do the reviews…It will give the answer away.
You can look at the mems. before reviewing

please read the thread before posting answers.

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