Courses *suddenly* requiring either hyphens or even strict typing

same here, yay! :smirk:

Hey @Joshua I am having the same problem with parentheses. Is there any way to know when that particular problem will be fixed? Thanks so much!

I’m running into an issue on @DrewSSP’s new HSK 6 course where if one chooses to type optional words, the parentheses around the optional words are now required.

For example, the word “(professional) position” use to accept both “position” and “professional position” as correct answers, without having to add alternative answers, but now if one wants to type “professional position”, they have to use parentheses and type “(professional) position” instead.

Like @zmanvitale and @neoncube, I noticed today that parenthesis are required. (Normally, they aren’t.)

Two examples:

In A2 German, sich entschuldigen is not an acceptable answer, but (sich) entschudigen is. Likewise, (jemanden) ausreden lassen works, but jemanden ausreden lassen does not.

it was always like this, in my courses…

I just began having the same problem today; the course will no longer accept one of the options on either side of the “/”. The issue was not present in the morning.

Just started getting the ‘/’ issue today as well. The thing is it happens to some words and not to others in the same lesson. Also it happens to some courses and not others. It’s annoying as hell. I wish we could override strict settings like we use to have the ability to do.

Please, someone look into this. Testing no longer accepts only one word when there are multiple meanings separated by " / ". For example, ぐんたい meaning is “army / troops”. In the past, I could write either “army” or “troops”, and the system would take that as a correct answer. Now I have to write “army / troops”, as if strict typing was enabled (which it isn’t).

I’m the creator of a Japanese course with over 8000 entries, and I can’t modify all words to include only one meaning. Please, solve this ASAP. If this issue isn’t resolved, Memrise is as good as useless.


here we go again… now every comma, slash etc is a problem…

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It seems that every courses have the same problem. English courses included. Waiting for admins to fix that.

I don’t know if it’s related, but now when you try to add words, the search in the database does not work. Yesterday, for instance, if I tried to add a word that was already in the database I was given the option to add it again by just compiling one of the boxes, now the search no longer works.

there is a proof here:

I just hope it’s not a new fantastic amazing feature that helps you add the same word multiple times, while ignoring the common and yours database

Very disappointing I hope the fix this issue soon

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This is the same for Chinese courses. Separate definitions for a single character would be separated by a semi-colon and you could type each definition and have it correct. This has made my courses unusable.

Bumpidy bump. Tests are currently not accepting answers which are separated by the comma or semi-colon notation.

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Yep, seems most language courses are affected. Bummer, here we go again collecting errors.
Japanese language is also affected with commas, forward slash, and parenthesis,
Please fix the problem of strict typing fast.

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Why hasn’t anyone from memrise explained how this giant mess happened? Until a bit over a month ago, memrise non-strict typing worked the same way for literally YEARS. Suddenly it has been broken and stayed broken in a variety of new and ridiculously different ways for the past ~5 weeks, utterly destroying a large number of courses. What point is there to memrise at all when the courses just plain don’t work??


Hi @Joshua,

No doubt you and your dev colleagues are working to fix this bug, which is affecting everyone’s learning records and generating increasing levels of irritation. A progress report would be very welcome.

Hi everyone,

We’ll be looking into several issues which have been raised, slowly but surely.

The good news is that we are currently working on them.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Well, I thought I was something the creator of the course I was taking (Advanced English (B2, C1, C2). Spanish Speakers) had done wrong: I have to write some words with the phonetic transcription in order to be marked as correct… So I wrote on the course wall here in the community, I was writing an email to the course creator and now I read this and it seems it is a problem with the slash… Or it seems to be a problem with the dash, because this moring I took French for Spanish Speakers made by Duolingo and no problem with accents, periods and anything…
Let’s wait to see what happens… And hopefully we won’t have to leave our courses.

Thanks, @Joshua. I’m sure you’ll crack it soon.

It’s not just the “inconvenience”, though. Each time we are marked wrong when giving a correct answer, our learning stats and review periods are being skewed!