Courses not loading, or clocked for a long while

30 May 2023
Courses not showing up in the Home screen. Courses not updating, or not allowing me to complete (stopping after a few lessons). No error messages are being reported by the system. I have four different Italian levels, and one German level, and when I access or try to access one, one of these two conditions occurs. (either it’s not showing up, or it does not progress as “normal”.)

I am using a Dell Desktop computer (which I have been using for years) running Windows 10

  • Description of the issue: Please describe the issue in detail. e.g. do you see an error message? What is the issue preventing you from doing do? What should be the expected behaviour? Does this happen only on certain courses, levels, items, learning modes or devices?

  • Your device and browser details

  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue

  • Do you have any screenshots of the problem? Please upload them here.

Hi @RockB thanks for the report. We’re looking at rolling back a change that may have caused this. I’ll update here once this has been done.

@RockB this should be working again now. Please let me know if you run into any more issues.

Hello Chris, today 18 June 2023 the system is not recording my progress, and is almost non-existent. It is taking a long time to log in, if at all, and I’ve lost all my progress already twice in the last 5 days. My email account is [email protected]
This is very disappointing, as the System was working seamlessly for quite some time after I signed up. Now it seems every couple of days something is going wrong or breaking.


@RockB Better remove your email address from this open forum.

You could send a bug report directly here:

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Hello I am also having the same issue as @RockB, I cannot seem to log in easily (clocking and/or taking10-15 mins) and recent progress is not showing. Thank you!!!

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The website and ios app are both extremely broken for me now. Slow to login in, lessons and reviews don’t load properly and don’t sync, app seems to think I have zero progress in any courses. Basically extremely slow, broken and buggy.

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Me too ; takes ages to load and sometimes loses the progress of an entire session. This has been happening for over a week now.

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