Courses hanging/freezing

For about the past 5 days I have been experiencing several issues with some courses.

For the Memrise official Mandarin 2 course, in revision mode, when I click the correct answer it highlights it as correct, but then the web page freezes. I have to quit the session then restart it. This is a massive pain as I literally have to do this for every single word that I revise.

Also, for the Duolingo Spanish course by zippy9z (, I cannot revise at all. I have word to revise, but when I click on Review I just get a blank page. When I try to access this course from my ipad it will not open the course. This also happens on my android phone (Samsung Galaxy 8 edge)

I have tried accessing the courses through multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox etc), on different computers, but to no avail. I have also done the obvious like clearing cache etc, but it has not made any difference.

The issue with the Duolingo course sounds a little like an issue with the course due to similar issues occurring across multiple platforms However, I cannot suss out the problem with the Mandarin course. I also have a few other courses that have been temperamental as well - the issue started with them all at the same time, just about 4 or 5 days ago. I did email Memrise about this back then, but have not had a response.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Further to my previous comment, I have just had pop up a few more words for revision on the Spanish Duolingo course. For some words it is fine - ie it will proceed to the next word to review after clicking the correct answer. However, for approximately 25% of the words it just crashes. This is the same as with the official Memrise Mandarin 2 course. Is anyone else having the same issue?

Yeah. Im experiencing EXACTLY the same problems. But for a short time. This had happened to me and i woke up and it was fixed. Not sure whats the problem but its clearly a bug

I am glad I’m not the only one experiencing this. I have just tried again, but still I am having the same issue. I am even finding that with audio review questions, when I click on the “Turn off audio questions for 30 minutes” that it just freezes. Can anyone fix this please? @MemriseSupport

@jaasa Is your issue the same as the one I made a thread about? Next button breaks during review sessions
I posted that almost a month ago and I haven’t even had the problem acknowledged by a Memrise staff member. It feels like they don’t care @MemriseSupport @MemriseSupport @MemriseSupport :angry: It’s an ongoing problem for me.

This sounds like pretty much the same issue, possibly caused by a userscript. Screen freezes during reviews. Are you using any? I’m not so that doesn’t apply to my problem but maybe disabling them will fix yours.

I am so glad it’s not just me that’s having this. I am not using any scripts in Chrome or Firefox. It is so frustrating… for about the past week now I have been unable to learn any new words in my courses - I am having to just do the bare minimum revision to keep my streaks going… it takes ages as I have to revise one word, close the tab, go back into memrise to revise the next word… and so on… it is absolutely impossible. My memrise pro membership is coming up for renewal next month. I was planning to keep the membership going, but might cancel it now as no one from memrise has been helping at all and I just cannot learn anything… or if I do learn, the revision takes too long with the broken ‘next’ button.

Can I please, please, please ask someone at @MemriseSupport to get onto this please, or at least acknowledge this issue.

I’ve been dealing with this problem in Spanish Duolingo for a few weeks, and I think I found the problem. I suffered through reviews by refreshing the page whenever it crashed. Invariably, it always came down to one word that I couldn’t review. Just today, it finally dawned on me to look through the levels to try to find whichever one word was marked as due for review.

Sure enough, in Basics/level 1, the word “Soy” was marked as due now, but there’s no corresponding English word next to it. Can anyone else who’s having this problem with Spanish Duolingo check to see if the same word is giving them problems? I’m thinking this might be enough to crash Memrise during reviews.

Zippy just fixed the problematic word. For Spanish Duolingo users, the problem should be fixed.

Thank you so much ps0001. The problem was in my own course. Based on your advice, I searched through my database. I found two words, each of which lacked an image. I uploaded the two images and Memrise stopped freezing up. It is working perfectly now. I am grateful to you for taking the time to post the fix, and to Memrise for maintaining the forums.