Courses disappeared in the dashboard

Thanks DW7 for supporting.
Please find here below my screenshot

Check your browser console for errors. Here’s a good guide on doing that:

Confirming @DW7’s experience, I can still see all of my courses in the dashboard, and the leaderboards in the individual courses are loading normally for me.

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And I experienced the same thing, but not exactly. The courses appeared but it took a while. Here’s the error I got:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 () -ündike17_180307_0842_03.JPG

So, my guess is that some of their static resources are hosted on cloudfront, and that cloudfront may be having sporadic issues. And yup, they are seeing some issues:

9:07 AM PDT We are investigating increased error rates for all API calls in the US-EAST-1 Region.

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Hi @parix, I see yours (top right) still says “Filter Results”. Are you able to click on the down arrow and get “Recently Learned” showing?

with “recently learned”, it works perfectly…


Yes, I can, but nothing changes.

Perhaps it’s a temporary server error as @richardmtl points out.

Having just started my laptop again it even had trouble loading this Forum !

Best I can offer is to wait a while :hourglass_flowing_sand: then contact the team again.

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It’s a new problem that has appeared about 7 hours ago, but your idea of playing with the filter works. I’ve managed to see the courses filtering by “With goal set” :wink:


Sometimes just forcing a reload works :wink:

Two happy customers!

PS All courses I support (advertised above) will get a response.
If in doubt start here

It works on chrome but not yandex. I found a work around by moving my courses to a group because the group page loads fine, just not the home screen.

Looks like the dashboard is very slow, lagging, and timeing out, not letting one review.

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Yeah, I can’t review at all right now.

My Android app is not responding - perhaps, some issue with Memrise’s database?

I do not really know what is happening, but I had to refresh the dashboard 2o times and to wait five minutes to see something loading… the same for the fora here

As a result of my dashboard not loading, I went to my profile and selected my courses. Courses are there that I am not, nor have ever. studied. Also, Ziggy is back. I thought I got rid of him.

I’ve had a big Windows 10 update and a Firefox update - I wonder if that’s reset defaults?

i think they put the new flower in more places, made some minor ui update

It is happening to me as well but for some reason - only with French courses (I can load Italian, German, Japanese, Polish, Thai courses). I can access them individually or see all the courses at once but not specifically French courses.
I am using Chrome, MacOS High Sierra - 10.13.3.

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