Courses disappeared in the dashboard

Hi Memrise guys, the courses disappeared in my dashboard…what is happening? @BeaTrisy @DW7


Same here.

Hi @FreLiGe & @CMichele,

I don’t work for MemRise (@BeaTrisy & @joshua do), but if you can attach a screen-shot I’ll try and work out what’s wrong.

I can still see all my courses on the web by going “home” and also if I go to my “user” (just substitute your name for DW7).

It used to happen that at this point it took some seconds to load the courses, but now the load ends here.

I’ve also noticed that the weekly scoreboard is not loading in this course:

Thanks DW7 for supporting.
Please find here below my screenshot

Check your browser console for errors. Here’s a good guide on doing that:

Confirming @DW7’s experience, I can still see all of my courses in the dashboard, and the leaderboards in the individual courses are loading normally for me.

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And I experienced the same thing, but not exactly. The courses appeared but it took a while. Here’s the error I got:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 () -ündike17_180307_0842_03.JPG

So, my guess is that some of their static resources are hosted on cloudfront, and that cloudfront may be having sporadic issues. And yup, they are seeing some issues:

9:07 AM PDT We are investigating increased error rates for all API calls in the US-EAST-1 Region.

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Hi @parix, I see yours (top right) still says “Filter Results”. Are you able to click on the down arrow and get “Recently Learned” showing?

with “recently learned”, it works perfectly…


Yes, I can, but nothing changes.

Perhaps it’s a temporary server error as @richardmtl points out.

Having just started my laptop again it even had trouble loading this Forum !

Best I can offer is to wait a while :hourglass_flowing_sand: then contact the team again.

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It’s a new problem that has appeared about 7 hours ago, but your idea of playing with the filter works. I’ve managed to see the courses filtering by “With goal set” :wink:


Sometimes just forcing a reload works :wink:

Two happy customers!

PS All courses I support (advertised above) will get a response.
If in doubt start here

It works on chrome but not yandex. I found a work around by moving my courses to a group because the group page loads fine, just not the home screen.

Looks like the dashboard is very slow, lagging, and timeing out, not letting one review.

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Yeah, I can’t review at all right now.

My Android app is not responding - perhaps, some issue with Memrise’s database?

I do not really know what is happening, but I had to refresh the dashboard 2o times and to wait five minutes to see something loading… the same for the fora here