Course restart not syncing to iOS app

I restarted – not quit, but restarted – a course through the website. My iOS app doesn’t acknowledge this, and still shows the former amount of words learned. Similarly, since I restarted that course at least a couple weeks ago, and haven’t used it since then, I have no streak for it; yet not only does the iOS app show a nonexistent 32-day streak, it even shows partial progress for today, when I haven’t done anything. It’s like it’s stuck in the same state it was in when I restarted the course.

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Same for me. I found a workaround by logging out off the app and logging in again. This resets the words to be learned.

It is a poor workaround, though, as logging out deletes all downloaded courses (for whatever reason!). You’ll have to re-download them again, so don’t do it when not on wifi…

This issue seems to be open for eleven months without a single reply by memrise staff???

WARNING: Please be careful, all(!) my learned words disappeared by logging off and logging on again!

This should be fixed. Period.

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