One of my Japanese courses, ! 0 Japanese From Zero! 2 Words and Mo… - by Morgiana_Fanalis - Memrise is not displaying correctly on the Android. On the Web the app states that it is completed, but on the Android is states that there are still 8 more words to learn.
@MemriseMatty , can this be fixed, please
Hey, it’s probably this bug, it’s pretty common.
Maybe my interface looks different, I’m not sure what message you refer to Olaf. My issue is that completed courses show as not complete - see attached screenshot. All of these courses are complete but two appear to be still in ‘learn’ mode.
Description: Deleted grammar items are being counted in courses, making them impossible to “finish”.
Status: Unresolved
Please Note: If you are experiencing this issue we can confirm the course is finished, but due to the removed grammar items (on our end) it may show as un-finished. We would suggest moving on to the next course in the series while we attempt to resolve the issue.
Related Issues:
[WEBSITE-846] Ghost Words in Community Courses (Decks)
[QA-207] Completed courses with ignored …
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I’ve also filed this bug in my “Android bugs compilation” here .
Thanks for your replies @RobertaSpiga00 and @Olaf.Rabbachin . Now I will wait until it’s fixed. Let’s see how long that’ll take.
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I guess Memrise team fixed abovementioned bug in the website, but it still exists in the app, that’s why this discrepancy. Actually, don’t remember if it’s been the case before, I’m not much of a desktop user, but it seems so.
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