Course Japanese Meow commas are the wrong type


In your Japanese Meow course the commas are English commas. Can you either change them to Japanese commas or use a semicolon or slash, so either word is accepted. The wrong comma type is getting me a lot of errors because I forget to switch to the English keyboard.

i changed them all from English comas to English semicolons a few weeks ago. so i don’t really want to go back and change them again it takes a lot of time…

maybe you could just type part of the answer instead of the whole answer?

for example:

the answer
"to hear; to listen"

other alternative correct answers
"to hear" “to listen” “hear” listen"

so you don’t actually have to type any colons or semicolons at all.

does that help?

I am seeing commas. No semicolon. Do I have an older, unchanged course?
I tried your suggestions but it wont let me do that since Memrise changed the way the comma is used.

BTW, looking for the course I can’t find it under your name. Have you taken it out?

i see now, i only changed the comas to semicolons in the English column, not the Japanese column. only a few levels will have more that one Japanese def. per item. i stopped doing that a long time ago so there shouldnt be very many, and i just went through level 34 and change the few i saw.

so, you should be able to at least learn up to 300 words doing the method i mentioned above (typing only one def) and it should work fine now. after level 34 i doubt there will be very many if any that way. so you should be able to studying with no problem.

as for looking for my course, im not sure how you found it in the first place hahaha.
iv been making this course for myself for the last few years, i never set it to public because well… i never intended others to use it. but if others wanna use it, i have no problem with that either.
so if you still wanna use it, here is a link