[Course Forum]Write like Native Speakers(for Chinese) by DavidSun123

Write like Native Speakers(for Chinese) by Davidsun123

@DavidSun123 您好,在学习您的课程Write like Native Speakers(for Chinese)的过程中在level1课程里暂发现了几处中文释义存疑的情况:

  1. coughing a little on the exhale 浅浅的吐出 ——按照字典释义应当为“呼气的时候有点咳嗽”
    2.adjust hair from left to the right 将马尾辫从脸左边移到右边——原文中并不特指马尾,将披肩长发从左侧拨到右侧也可以使用这个短语
    3.do sth squarely 正好做某事——squarely的意思更偏向于“直接地”“正中地”,“正好”容易引起歧义,我注意到有一个Mem就将其理解成了“在做某件事时同时还在做另一件事”的意思。

@davidsun123 is not registered on this forum, maybe @MemriseMatty can tell if someone else is looking after this course also.