[Course Forum] WaniKani Kanji errors fixed

I was made a Course Contributor of an abandoned course and fixed a lot of errors. I went through the course several times to make sure to catch them all. Let me know if you find still anything wrong.

WaniKani Kanji

I’ve really only looked at the level order. And wouldn’t it make more sense to introduce the Kana in each level before the kanji? I haven’t used WaniKani kanji before so I don’t know.

I am not the course creator. I only fixed the errors that were in the course.

And yes, learning Kana (Hiragana and Katakana) first is important otherwise you cannot read and understand Kanji and vocabulary. other course creators have done the work and they are easy to find,

Also, waniKani is another Japanese Learning site that give you the first 3 levels for free. I am using WaniKani and Memrise to get lots of practice and it helps me a lot.


I know the resources are out there. I didn’t realize that course contributors didn’t have the power to move different skills around. Sorry for the confusion.

No problems. I am still trying to figure out how to do anything in a course. I am new to this so just figuring out how to correct errors was a big task for me. :grin: