[Course Forum] Verb conjugations (En français)

Hello everyone! I am the creator of “Verb conjugations (En français)”

Course Description:
Some common French verbs conjugated! 9 regular and 66 irregular verbs all conjugated in présent, passé composé, futur, participle présent, imparfait, subjonctif, conditionnel, conditionnel passé, plus-que-parfait, futur antérieur, passé simple, and passé du subjonctif. All prompts (after the definitions) are in complete French. The purpose of this course is to learn how to FORM the tenses, not translate them or learn how to use them.

I have taken a long break from Memrise, and this is one of my 2 courses that were in progress and got abandoned. This one only lacks audio on the 2nd half of the entries. I am now back to working on this, and my goal is to get all the audio cut up and uploaded before the new year.

I will track here and update as I go. If this date is more than 2 weeks old, please start bugging me because for whatever reason this fell off my radar again.

Still needs Audio as of 12-4-16:
conditionnel passé
futur antérieur
passé simple
passé du subjonctif

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You have done a super job on this course so far @hypermice. I love it. It will be good when all the audio is finished but having said that, I often don’t have audio switched off myself, namely when others are around me! Merci beaucoup.


I love this course so much! Your pronunciation is wonderful et très claire. It is the best French verb conjugation course I am yet to find though it is still missing the audio as mentioned in your last post (as @ 12/4/16). Is it still your intention to add it?

Merci beaucoup pour ces bonnes leçons !

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