[Course Forum] Vene keele kursused by Atikker

Siia saab postitada küsimusi ja kommentaare minu tehtud või täiendatud vene keele kursuste kohta. Lisan peagi lingid ka kõigile neile kursustele.


created by iseõppija (uuendatud 19.09.2016)

(uuendatud 21.03.2017)


(uuendatud 31.03.2017)


Hi! Great job!

There are some minor errors in http://www.memrise.com/course/132522/vene-keele-kursus/ :

Level 4:

“ты едешь в дом во вторник” -> “ты едешь домой во вторник”
“в доме я буду в среду и в четверг” -> “дома я буду в среду и в четверг”

В дом, в доме is normally used when we talk about a дом in the “physical” sence: a house, a building. For example:
“Где она сейчас?” “Where is she now?”
“Она в (этом) доме.” “She is in the/this house.”

When talking about being or going home as a living place the appropriate adverbs should be used instead of prepositional constructions:

Домой (the second syllable is stressed) - instead of в дом.
Дома (the first syllable is stressed) - instead of в доме.

Also, the translation has a question mark (“kas sa lähed/ sõidad teisipäeval koju?”), but the Russian sentence does not.

Level 18:

“свадьбе” - probably the preposition на is missing.

Level 26:

“это пальто сидит на тебе” - sounds a little bit strange. Сидеть requires some adverb when used in the meaning “to fit”. Хорошо сидит. Отлично сидит. Плохо сидит. Сидит невероятно отвратительно! Etc.
Идти ( + a person in dative) can also be used in the meaning “to fit well; to look good”. It does not require an adverb, since “well”-ness is incorporated into its lexical meaning. Это пальто тебе идёт!

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Wow, спасибо большое @WildFox

Those sentences sounded strange to me also, but I didn’t know what to do with them. Now when I read your correct ones it’s so obvious

Do you also want to be a contributor of this course?(to fix some errors)

I will definitely add this дом/домой thing

Oh, no. I do not speak Estonian at all, so I cannot be helpful. Thank you for your offer, anyway. :sunglasses:

You don’t have to know Estonian to notice obvious mistakes in Russian.

Can I come to you if I have doubts on some sentences?

[quote=“Atikker, post:5, topic:3103”]
Can I come to you if I have doubts on some sentences?

There also is a Russian language related website http://masterrussian.net/
My nickname is RedFox on that site.
Feel free to post your questions there.

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Sellele kursusele lisasin kuulamisharjutused 1-4; tulemas veel 5 ja 6