I just realized that the course forums disappeared, so apparently, I need to make this sort of post if I want to welcome suggestions for my courses.
All courses are theme-based, and I guess it’s easier just to create one thread instead of creating one for each course. Hope that’s okay.
If you have any suggestions as to how I might improve a course or if you find any mistakes in any of the courses, please let me know. Ideas for new courses are also welcome.
Clothes and Shopping
Danish for runners
Everyday Life
Food and Grocery Shopping
Funny sentences, idioms, and expressions
In the Classroom
Minimal Pairs
Presentation + Numbers
Spare Time
Puls 2 (vocabulary for the textbook “Puls 2”; DU3, module 2)
250 most common Danish adjectives in all forms
250 most common Danish adjectives–only basic form
Puls 3 (vocabulary for the textbook “Puls 3”; DU3, module 3)
Pæredansk (vocabulary for the textbook “Pæredansk”; DU3, module 4)
Not sure if I’m posting this in the right place, but I purchased the Danish Memrise Pro course, but I’m still not getting Danish native speakers saying the vocabulary. Am I doing something wrong? I have audio on in settings.
I’ve just found your courses and I’ve started doing one of them (Sjove sætninger, idiomer og udtryk) and I really love it! The things you teach are useful and the audio is high quality (additional kudos for doing such clear and understandable samples yourself). In overall quality it comes pretty close to the quality of the Memrise main course, which is something that I really-really love, and the thing that made me join Memrise in the first place.
Stray thought:
I especially appreciate that you say “rød grød med fløde” both fast and word-by-word to help out the confused language learner (I bet this is something you love to make foreigners say if they ask for an example of really complicated Danish pronunciation… it’s sort of like some “ultimate pronunciation test”).
An additional thing that I appreciate is that you make us write down every expression, regardless of length or word count. In this you are even better than the main Danish course, because they rarely make us free-write long sentences there.
Thank you so much for the kind words. If you come across a phrase that you’d like me to add or you find a typo or something like that, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Thanks for the offer! I’m pretty sure I’d appear with a few expressions in the near future!
P.S.: I’d also like to let you know that I’m currently doing 3 of your courses and thoroughly enjoying them all! I’d add even more, but I’m not sure I’d be able to do all of them (the 7 mains + more than 3 of yours) every day without getting confused about which ones I’ve already done that day …and I love to keep my streak.
P.S. 2: I don’t know why it’s happening, but on the mobile app version of your Memrise the audio is pretty quiet… which means that I generally have to turn the volume to max. to be able to hear your words, and on a particularly loud public transport vehicle it’s sometimes not enough. Interestingly, I haven’t had this problem on my laptop. I know the background noise level is different in both cases, but - in my opinion - even if I subtract that variable, the app is still more quiet. Is it possible to turn up the volume slightly on the app audio? If not, then it’s still perfectly okay. I’d most definitely NOT want you to re-record everything, especially since I love your audio very much. I’ll just save your courses for a more quiet time if I’m using the app.
I was too hasty with my mobile app audio comment: “Sjove sætninger,…” has both loud and quiet audio (mostly loud by the end), “Hverdagsliv” has mostly quiet audio (so far I’ve only done 50% of the course) and “250 most common Danish adjectives in all forms” is mostly loud… and by “loud”, I mean loud enough to be nice and clear on noisy public transport.
Hmm. I got a (real) microphone halfway through creating the courses, but the older courses have audio recorded on my computer’s internal microphone, so maybe that’s why the volume is lower for those courses…? I’m planning on redoing all of the audio in the older courses, but unfortunately I haven’t had the time for it yet. But I’ll add it to my to do-list, and I hope people be able to manage with the low-volume audio just for a little while longer. Sorry.
I looked through the settings for the courses, but it doesn’t seem to have an option for adjusting audio after it’s been recorded. So I guess the only way is to record all audio again.