Here is the place for suggestions and corrections related to the Ukrainian Top 1000 Words course.
Level 44
дитячий - children's children’s
гукнути . huknuty (cry out) ?
Level 46
запорожець - zaporozhets (cosack) ?
озватися - ozvatysya reply, resound
Level 48
подвір’я - court подвір’я
з’являтися - appear з’являтися
Thank you very much for the corrections!
I liked the way we used to be able to choose the most helpful mem. In this otherwise excellent basic Ukrainian language course, many mems are incomprehensible for beginners as they use vocabulary that we haven’t learned yet. At this early stage of getting to grips with an unfamiliar script, experts may not realise that even familiar vocabulary can seem to be in Sanskrit! I use the Android App , if that’s relevant.
Dear JeanMacKenzleb6b,
Thanks for the feedback! I agree that most mems are above the head for many language learners enrolling in this course. My hope was that mems will undergo a selection process thanks to users upvoting the good ones. However, as you said, upvoting a mem is unfortunately no longer possible. If some day I create a successor course, I will try harder to select mems adequate to the knowledge level of the learners.