[Course Forum] Turkish Example Sentences from Tatoeba (Pt. 1)

I started a course with example sentences from the ManyThings Turkish/English bilingual sentence pairs, which are a curated set of the sentences from the Tatoeba project. The course is still in Incomplete status (there is a LOT of data to add!), so you won’t find it by browsing, but you can access it via the direct link at:

If you find any errors or very unnatural sentences, please post them here.

Be sure to include:

  • Which level the sentence is found in
  • The sentence’s original text
  • The problem: is the sentence incorrect or does it just sound unnatural?
  • The corrected sentence
  • Whether you are a native speaker of Turkish, a professional Turkish teacher, or learning Turkish

You can download the sentence pairs I used for this (along with many other languages) at: http://manythings.org/anki/
The original data is available under a Creative Commons - Attribution 2.0 France license at: http://tatoeba.org/eng/terms_of_use