This course contains spoken Spanish verb forms, obtained from the fourth most common 1000 words of Matthias Buchmeier’s Wiktionary Spanish word frequency list. The Wiktionary list is based on a 27.4 million word movie/TV subtitles database that probably reflects normal spoken Spanish reasonably accurately. FULL AUDIO
You’re quite right - thanks for pointing this out.
I’ve changed the “refugio” item in Level 10 in accordance with your suggestion.
I’ve also added a new “me refugio” item, with its correct translation.
By the way, and as you almost certainly already know, the word “refugio” can be either a noun (= shelter) or a conjugated form of the verb refugiar, although usage as a noun is much more common. I used the Wiktionary frequency list as the primary source for these verb courses - the list (uniquely) indicates Spanish words that are used in more than one part of speech.
I decided when assembling these courses to include all verb forms, even where they may be uncommon. That way I didn’t have to spend time researching and deciding whether to include or leave out conflating verb forms.