[Course Forum] TinyCaterpillar's Courses

Haha, tempting, but I’m afraid I’ve still got a ways to go before I even achieve that road map I laid out back in August, so I’m gonna be busy for a while. :grin:

That, and there are still so many games and manga series I’m discovering that I want to pick apart for vocab. Haha. I haven’t ruled it out yet, but there’s already a whole lot in the queue for me at the moment.


Oooh, new manga series. Can I ask which one(s)? or is that a proprietary secret?

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No problem! :sunglasses:

I plan on doing Cardcaptor Sakura after the two Atelier games, followed by another slice of life series called Flying Witch, which has a bit of a ‘supernatural Yotsubato’ vibe to it. I’ve read the first few Magic Tree House books, too, and I think I’d like to build a course for that at some point as well.

I’ve read a bit of a few other series, but I haven’t decided yet if I’ll be building courses for those. The games I want to get to are accumulating, so I’ll want to return to those before too long. lol

Things will probably be going slow for a while, since I’ve been building courses as I’m ready to learn from them myself (you never know what the future holds for Memrise), and I recently cut my learning pace down from 15 items per day to 5. The daily review counts were starting to get unmanageable. :sweat_smile:


Those sound tantalizing as always. You’ve really helped a lot with my Japanese, so I’m very grateful!

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I’m really happy to hear that! I’ll keep at it! :grin:

Two new courses today, neither of which is a vocabulary course this time. Both courses were initially created to supplement my own studies, but maybe others can get some use out of them as well.

There are many kanji that I encounter while reading books, playing games, etc. that are not covered in the jōyō kanji, and I decided a while ago to start keeping a list. I’ll be piling those into this course to learn properly as I find more. The format is generally meant to mimic S4Nii’s “2136 Jōyō Kanji by Grade” course. I had to get creative with some definitions, since I didn’t find the listed meanings to be helpful in some cases. I’m open to any suggestions on changes.

This course’s purpose is to streamline writing practice. I’ve been meaning for a while now to sit down and actually work on writing out the characters I’ve been using for years, but never really got around to it. This course is meant to integrate reminders to practice into the daily Memrise routine, as well as to help illustrate the proper stroke orders. There are two copies of all of the levels, to provide two options on how to test yourself, thus the intention is for the user to plant only the set of their choice and ignore the other. (Thanks to everyone who posted in this topic with feedback and ideas.)

As always, feel free to share any feedback!

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Wow, that Japanese Writing Practice course looks amazing, looks like it could and will be very helpful.
Thank you for creating all the courses you have created so far. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just checked it after seeing your comment, and wow, I had no idea that you could have animated gif images as questions. I think i’ll do the course in that case.

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Japanese Writing Practice is great, but something’s wrong with the speed review.

Hi, @IchigoSmof. Glad to hear you like the course!

You’re referring to Memrise saying that it couldn’t load the session when trying to start Speed Review, right? While I may be wrong, the feature seems to not work with questions that use images/gifs from what I’ve seen. It wouldn’t load for me until I tried planting some items in the ‘scored’ set, which doesn’t use any images. It started loading after that, but only ever tested me on those same items.

If you look at this course, which also uses images, the same issue seems to be present:

If you have any ideas for something I could try, I’ll take another look, but I unfortunately think it’s a problem on Memrise’s end.

@TinyCaterpillar The audio for しなぎれ in Monsters course is very quiet, could you please replace it with one with normal volume?

Thanks for the report, @Marcus.W. Oddly enough, just downloading the same recording from Forvo again gave me a louder filed this time, so I replaced it with that. I guess they’ve changed something on their end since I first downloaded it.

Feel free to let me know if you come across any more issues! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help.

It is unfortunately the same issue with もぐる.

I’ve re-downloaded and replaced the file. Thanks!

Thanks for updating the file.

I only recently just begun the grade 1 kanji writing (I skipped over radicals) and wow, i’m really surprised by how easy it is to actually write kanji. It’s also pretty fun. However fun it might be though, it’s gonna have to take a back seat in studying as I do not consider the ability to write to be a high priority when my Japanese level is still pretty low. I’m able to read Yotsubato just fine(I bought the entire manga series. I REALLY appreciate your course on that manga btw), but it’s still really hard to follow what’s being said in drama’s, anime or even games which I find are easiest to understand. Actually I find that reading is by far the easiest part of Japanese lol. I’m having a few to drink so i’m probably talking jibberish.

It’s great to hear that the courses are proving helpful! :slight_smile:

Reading is definitely the one I’m doing best with out of the ‘big four’ (reading, writing, listening, speaking) by a wide margin. Though it’s the one I’m most interested in, too. lol My listening skills are still somewhat disappointingly low after four years, though I’ve been neglecting really training them for most of that time. I’m currently watching a children’s show over and over again, trying to make out a bit more of the dialogue each time. It seems to be working, even if it’s slow going!

Let’s both keep at it! :grin:


I think I discovered an error in the yotsubato course. In level 93 & 94, Yotsubato Vocabulary - Vol. 5 (61 - 75) Kanji & Readings, the word for fad/trend is using the wrong word for the kanji. 流行 and 流行り mean the same thing, but the word is different for them. 流行 is りゅうこう and 流行り is はやり. You’re using はやり for 流行. I couldn’t get 流行 when typing はやり from google’s ime without deleting り after typing, which is what prompted me to search this up on jisho.org.

Hi, @AkiraKurusu. Sorry for the super late reply! I’ve been taking a break from Memrise recently.

It looks like the Jisho entry’s been changed since I first added that entry to the course. I’ve changed the kanji to 流行り.

Thanks for the feedback!