[Course Forum] Thematischer Wortschatz Spanisch by VM_NM

Thanks for your message. I have emailed VM_NM to invite them to the course forum. If you post your suggestions here and in the topic I created for their other course, I can direct VM_NM there. Many thanks, Lien

VM_NM has kindly replied to my email. Unfortunately she’s too busy to work on her Memrise courses at the moment. However, she’s open to welcoming contributors to help improve the course and has given me permission to add those who would like to help out.
Let me know if you would be up for being a contributor, I can then add you asap.

Hi Lien, same here as in other course Forum for VM_NM:

Yes please, I’d love to help to improve those good courses a little more. You can add me as contributor for both “spanisch Wendungen” and “Thematischer Wortschatz Spanisch” (http://www.memrise.com/course/378161/spanisch-wendungen/ and http://www.memrise.com/course/502731/thematischer-wortschatz-spanisch/). Thanks a lot for making this happen!


All done!