[Course Forum] Swedish 1-7 by Memrise

Unfortunately as far as I can tell, the support for Swedish has been dropped for some time. Memrise seems to be focused on more popular languages.

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The sound works for me in swedish 6 quite well. I had troubles with Mozilla FireFox regarding sound, but Google Chrome or the mobile version work fine for me.

Also I found something to improve:

In Swedish 6 oder 7 (not sure) it says “to strike” and the solution is “en strejk”. I think that should be corrected.
Also I hope they do not stop the support for Swedish…

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I noticed that the spoken examples are often omitting the pronunciation of whole words, instead using what I am guessing is a less formal pronunciation (For example using ‘o’ instead of ‘och’, or ‘a’ instead of ‘jag’).

This is a bit of a problem with the pronunciation exercises where I need to record my voice. I noticed that with certain phrases, it is not possible for me to pass the pronunciation test as long as I repeat exactly what the speaker is saying. If, however, I say it with full words, just as written it lets me pass.

Does anyone else have similar experiences?

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Swedish 6 Level 13 de kommer inte överens should be they don’t agree NOT they don’t get alond

Sorry posting this as a reply, but I could not find how to start a new post

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Bob, sadly the course seems to be abandoned by the contributor listed as steward for it. Maybe find a way to contact Memrise itself as I have done. A few more and maybe they’ll help.

Hi All,

I’m very sorry we’ve been very unresponsive on this thread. We will now look into the problems you pointed out with our Swedish Specialist. I have picked all the questions since early 2018 Jan. If you have any questions/requests that you’ve be refraining from posting due to the lack of response, please post them now. Thank you!


Kana, a sincere thanks to you!

Hi there Bob, I’m afraid I don’t fully agree with you! ‘De kommer inte överens’ does mean they don’t get along. It can also mean they don’t agree, but I personally would not express it that way, I would most likely say something along the lines of ‘de håller inte med varann’. But luckily we can always agree to disagree - still get along just fine!

Hi there, Amanda and all! I’ve just been asked by Memrise to come back and help you guys with your questions, but hopefully you are all fluent Swedish speakers by now and no longer need any help! When it comes to phrases like ‘vill du ha’ and ‘jag skulle vilja ha’, these are the subtle inconsistencies all languages are full of. At dinner, if I were to say ‘jag vill ha’ it would sound quite rude, like a five year old child that doesn’t know about manners. But I don’t think I would often say ‘skulle du vilja ha’. It’s not that it wouldn’t be grammatically incorrect, but it would sound unnecessarily complicated, and ‘vill du ha’ is perfectly polite and fine.
About the pronunciation, it would make sense to me to keep the audio the way Swedish is actually spoken. Sure, it might be easier for a beginner to pronounce the words exactly the way they are written, but that means you won’t recognize and understand them when a Swedish person is talking. The guy you found on Facebook who heard ‘jaskullevillahaaa’ instead of ‘jag skulle vilja ha’ was absolutely right!
I’ll be looking into the other issues in the upcoming weeks, but I’m only a language specialist, so any tech problems I will have to forward to the tech team.
See you all soon! Cheers Lena


Hi @hawe767
So so so sorry that we are so delayed on this. This is now corrected. Thank you for flagging this!


As the literal translation correctly points out, the translation for han är en och sjuttio lång would be he is one meter and seventy centimeters tall. However, the translation and alleged correct answer says seventy-five which would be sjuttiofem in svenska. Obviously it’s a minor typo. A fix would be great, though. Tack!

I apologise it took us so long to correct this. It’s not updated. Thank you for flagging this.

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In Swedish 6 oder 7 (not sure) it says “to strike” and the solution is “en strejk”. I think that should be corrected.

This is now corrected. Sincerely sorry that it took us so long!


Hi, there’s a bug in Swedish 3 where this phrase doesn’t work when I pick the right words:

det skulle jag gärna vilja, men jag måste upp tidigt imorgon

Please fix, it’s very frustrating.

Does anyone else find that the speaking is far too quick to understand the sentences on the Swedish courses? I noticed words were missing or unsaid in earlier courses, but was able to manage by remembering which words were missing. As I get to the higher levels and the sentences get longer, I find myself not being able to hear half the words and getting more and more disheartened by getting things wrong. I regularly review earlier courses and currently have no outstanding review words in courses 1-4, but the sentences in 5 are making me want to quit!
I don’t think it’s sensible to slow down to robotic pace, but we are still learners and can’t always deal with the speed.

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Seconded. I’m halfway through 6 now and this is true for all Swedish courses so far. It’s actually a mixture of very fast speech and swallowed words and mumbling. But I suppose that’s just the way they speak. :slight_smile:

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I have just started Swedish 6, also on Android and the audio isn’t working for me either.

I just started Swedish 1, after having spent some time with Norwegian 1 and 2, and I’m having some trouble with the pronunciation.
In the videos with the locals, the pronunciation seems to differ from the audio clips, and in talking with some of my Swedish friends, they’re telling me some of the pronunciation is off.
For example, I asked one friend about the proper pronunciation of “att” as in “att ha”, and mentioned it’s similar to the Norwegian “å ha” – in English it sounds like “oh”. He said there should be a definite “t” sound in there. And with “jag”, he said the “g” sound should be present.
How do I know, in the Swedish courses, what pronunciation is correct, between the video and audio clips?
And when looking up words on Google translate, the pronunciation there sounds like what my friend is stating is correct, and different from the audio clips in the Memrise Swedish course.

Not an expert, but I think you will find the recorded Swedish is more an everyday version of the language where jag becomes ja and att is more like å. The locals give a broader sampling of speech. Threw me off at first, having taken Swedish at university nearly 50 years ago, but watching Swedish shows on Mhzchoice I have noticed the clipped pronunciation in dialog.

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There’s a simple error in Swedish 7, Level 17 (For Science). The word originell is misspelled as “orginell”.

Sorry this is in the wrong place, but I find the structure of this forum incomprehensible and could not find a better place that I could access.

Hi @KanaTsumoto

the misspelling in Swedish 7, Level 17 (For Science). of “originell” in the UK-Version is still there.
The audio for “ärlig” in Swedish 6, Level 11 (Phrases: Sound like a Native) is not correct as @twaddle pointed out previously.
Could you please inform someone to change it? Thank you!