[Course Forum] Spanish Listening Practice by @swampy

Hi @Swampy. Thanks for all the courses.

Any chance you could turn on the on-screen keyboard for this course? I’m in the habit of using strict typing but my keyboard has a problem with the squiggly n.


I made an attempt to solve your ñ problem. Let me know if it works.

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Works a treat. Many thanks.

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Hi, is there any chance to delete the “computer voice” sound from any of these courses:


There are already two perfect voices and the computer version just irritates a lot (and sounds a bit wrong). On mobile one can’t choose between them (they are chosen randomly). It will be a much pleasant course without that particular voice. Hope for your reply at least.

I would have to do each sentence one by one. I don’t have the time or the patience for that. Sorry.

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Thanks for the answer!

I am so irritated with that, that i am ready to do such a thing (edit one by one). If you could share your sources, i could try to compile a new analogue course on memrise for example or edit yours (maybe). It will probably take me about a month to do that.

I discard my current request, as i was permited to edti audio in this course:
and I have happily started doing this.

I know it wasn’t the best audio but it was the best I could do. It took many months to add and the course creator was happy with it. Now the first person that comes along and complains is allowed to throw it in the trash.

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First of all, 575 course already has (and had) 2 perfect audio sources (so yours is not the only one). Secondly, the third audio source wasn’t on all of it’s phrases (as for me it’s better to has it all one way or another: either completely with it, or completely without it ).
Thirdly, you still have your copy of this course, and can do with it whatever you want + your audio is still there and it is safe, and I can’t and wouldn’t do anything to it (now) even if i could, so why do you complain then?

As I think, now it became better, cause people can at least choose from 2 vesions of the course and study the one they prefer (either with 3 audio sources or 2).
There are not so many people down here in community, so maybe i am not the only peron who didn’t like that voice, just the first one to write about it.
I also believe that there are many people who may like that 3rd voice and are happy with it. I think, they are grateful for the work you’ve done (again they don’t write about just because there not so much of them here).
But again at least now learners have a choise.

P.S. I have hoped for you cooperation and understanding, not for the judgement (criticism is ok).

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The 575 course had no audio at all when it was published and was a typing only course. I made the other course as a no typing course. So the audio I added was better than none at all and the course creator agreed. You need to thank zomlove for adding the " better" audio, which was added later on. I do agree with you that it does sound better but I’m writing this to let you know how and why there was good and not so good audio.


Thanks for sharing. Now the situation and your actions are clearer.
You all (googed, swampy, zomlove) have done a great work.
I think we all have the same goal - to make the course better and the studying process more pleasant. Maybe some of us just have a bit different view on this.

@swampy - thank you for all the wonderful courses you have made, improved, and maintained. They are awesome.

It disturbs me that Memrise has given a relatively new user - who has not yet even created or contributed to other courses - the authority to go into an established course with hundreds of users and freely delete content. The user who is in 141st place all-time on points earned in a course is allowed to delete content that may (or may not) have been preferred by the hundreds of other course users? Very strange choice by Memrise. @Lien - I really hope that this doesn’t happen to other courses.


I’ve already explained my position on this and the motivation for doing what i’ve already done. I would have done this 10 out of 10 times if i would have had another chances.

All the changes that had already been done were with high accuracy on my side (and for the training i did create a new not open course and trained on it before changing anything in the “575+”). Total rank in this course doesn’t have to do anything AT ALL with it’s editing (why should it, huh?), and it’s relatively low cause i’ve started it recently.

Lien also was informed what exactly I was going to do and I hope that her decision was positive because of her agreement on the thing, that this course would become better after those actions.

Haven’t it became better after all?

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Hi @lurajane,

I appreciate your valid concern. Thanks for inviting me to clarify the situation.

The proposition outlined in @FerdinandO_o ‘s contributor request seemed reasonable.
Whilst reviewing current contributors’ activity, I came across @swampy’s comment of 27th March. Other than the laborious process involved in removing the artificial voice files, there was no mention of opposing arguments. Based thereon, I mistakenly assumed they reached a mutual agreement about the files’ redundancy.
Further evaluation revealed that the deletion of computer-generated audio files would leave each item with a satisfactory 2 audio files. Based on these observations, I concluded the suggested modifications wouldn’t impose on the learning experience.

Apologies if this isn’t the case.

Best wishes,



@Lien - Thank you for clarifying your decision. Appreciate it.

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