[Course Forum] Spanish 1 to 7 by Memrise

Hi @kiecroft :slight_smile:

If you are learning the new version of courses 1 & 2, recently launched (see here), instead of chatbots & grammarbots, they have a grammar mode (see here). I think it’s still in beta, and for now, only available for app.

The Spanish Specialist (Memrise Team), angileptol, also commented on this in an earlier post on this same topic:


Thank you for clearing that up!


I found another issue that is probably a lot worse.

In the course Spansk 3 (Spanish 3 for Norwegians) the phrase “tenemos que ir en taxi” is missing a whole word in the Norwegian translation, see the picture below.

So right now in Norwegian it’s saying “we take a taxi” :sweat_smile:

Hi @Vikestart,

Thanks for reporting this, we will fix this as soon as possible.

Happy learning!


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Hello dear Spanish learners! We’ve been working on a new feature and we’re really excited about showing it to you and to hear what you think about it. If you’re up for it, we’d just ask you to head over to the survey (you’ll have a sneak peek of the feature there). Filling it out will only take two minutes, and your thoughts will be super helpful and valuable to us. Muchas gracias :slight_smile:

Ángela, Spanish Language Specialist at Memrise

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Thank you for your reply. I am happy that it is clear in the audio of App. But it really needs to get differentiated from each other. Like put Aqui & Ahi in other chapters or something that doesn’t get us confused. Anticipating your reply.

Hi again!
Yes, we could do that, although you’d still get those mixed in review mode I think. Would it help to have a clarification of the distinction in brackets?



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@SlasherThrasher @angileptol Holá, intermediate learner here.

Following up on the Ahí / Allí discussion for Castilian Spanish (pardon bumping old thread).

I understand that the ll consonant can be pronounced with the “j” sound mostly in parts of Spain, but in some other parts of Spain (and more so outside it) it has that “y” sound. Some Spaniard expatriates I’ve discussed this with have pointed it out too.

The pronunciation difference is understood to be Ahí as “Ah-EE”, and Allí as “Ah-YEE” (note the Y sound) or “Ah-JEE”, and that fluency means understanding both Allí pronunciations.

Best of luck @SlasherThrasher!

There’s a translation error in 2nd part of Spanish under words and Phrases - order of the floor numbers is incorrect.
La Baja Planta - should be the the lower level_.

Baja means lower or below.

La primera planta - is the first floor - the app has primero as second and segundo as third…

La Segundo planta- is second floor and so on…

La tercera planta should be the third floor and not the fourth floor

@angileptol, Can you please help with this issue? :slight_smile:

There is nothing wrong with it. It is the course from American English. So different numbering systems.

In Spain and other countries whose official language is Spanish or Portuguese, the ground floor is usually marked PB ( planta baja , planta baixa , etc.)

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My mistake. :slight_smile:

You can switch to the UK/European version of Spanish 2 - this uses the familiar terms for the floors.

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I’m learning Spanish level 1. For some reason the Native guy with the Hawaiian type shirts and the curly Afro the volume sounds lower when he speaks. I don’t know if it’s the recording or if the volume can be improved? It would definitely be helpful.

Thank you,


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In the ‘locals’ video the guy says ‘mis padres se jubilarán dentro de tres años’ omitting the word ‘unos’ before ‘tres’. When the select tile question comes up, if one omits ‘unos’, it is marked as incorrect.

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Hello, there is a bug in “İspanyolca 3 (Turkish-Spanish)” course in “Seviye 26 (Level 26)”. It says ‘Es julio’ and turkish translate says ‘bu ocak ayı (it is january)’.

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I’m on the basic Spanish course 1 unit 22, but so far there are no opportunities to learn with the locals or practise pronunciation (those keys are grey). When I started my subscription, I chose to start on a higher level (4) and things seemed to work fine then…


Hi @mdallino60!

Thanks for your post. Are you learning on the newest official Spanish 1 course for English speakers? Because it has plenty of videos. This is the link for the course I recommend you follow:

I hope you like it, happy learning!



Hi @umitishere,

Thank you very much for pointing this put and reporting the mistake to us. Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, the mistake has now been fixed though! The translation now says: Temmuz ayındayız

Happy learning and ¡disfruta!



Hi @SnowJog,

You’re right, thanks for reporting this issue. The video has now been removed. Thanks again and happy learning!
