[Course Forum] Spanish 1 to 7 by Memrise

@angileptol, Can you please help with this issue? :slight_smile:

There is nothing wrong with it. It is the course from American English. So different numbering systems.

In Spain and other countries whose official language is Spanish or Portuguese, the ground floor is usually marked PB ( planta baja , planta baixa , etc.)

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My mistake. :slight_smile:

You can switch to the UK/European version of Spanish 2 - this uses the familiar terms for the floors.

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I’m learning Spanish level 1. For some reason the Native guy with the Hawaiian type shirts and the curly Afro the volume sounds lower when he speaks. I don’t know if it’s the recording or if the volume can be improved? It would definitely be helpful.

Thank you,


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In the ‘locals’ video the guy says ‘mis padres se jubilarán dentro de tres años’ omitting the word ‘unos’ before ‘tres’. When the select tile question comes up, if one omits ‘unos’, it is marked as incorrect.

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Hello, there is a bug in “İspanyolca 3 (Turkish-Spanish)” course in “Seviye 26 (Level 26)”. It says ‘Es julio’ and turkish translate says ‘bu ocak ayı (it is january)’.

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I’m on the basic Spanish course 1 unit 22, but so far there are no opportunities to learn with the locals or practise pronunciation (those keys are grey). When I started my subscription, I chose to start on a higher level (4) and things seemed to work fine then…


Hi @mdallino60!

Thanks for your post. Are you learning on the newest official Spanish 1 course for English speakers? Because it has plenty of videos. This is the link for the course I recommend you follow:

I hope you like it, happy learning!



Hi @umitishere,

Thank you very much for pointing this put and reporting the mistake to us. Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, the mistake has now been fixed though! The translation now says: Temmuz ayındayız

Happy learning and ¡disfruta!



Hi @SnowJog,

You’re right, thanks for reporting this issue. The video has now been removed. Thanks again and happy learning!



“if you had …” is translated “si hubieses …”. “Si hubiera” is not accepted, but could be correct as in the sentence “Señor, sería bueno si hubiera comido más comida.”


There are seems to be two issues in English (US) version.

  1. Spanish (Spain) 3 - Level 27 Fuel your vocab: Bargaining
    el real - the
    Given that level is about bargaining and already has translations for several currencies (e.g. pound, dolar and euro) I assume correct translation should be the following:
    el real - the Brazilian real (the currency of Brazil).

  2. Spanish (Spain) 6 - Level 4
    la perfección - the master; the teacher
    Are you sure this is a correct translation? Shouldn’t it be:
    la perfección - the perfection


I’ve been able to happily repeat almost all words and phrases so far but can’t get through, “el médico;la médica”

It asks me to try again every single time, no matter how I try to adapt the way I say it. I managed “el profesor;la profesora” - another one with both sexes and the semicolon so it shouldn’t be my pace or how long I pause between them. Has anyone else struggled on that one?

I’m using the Memrise iPhone app.

Could someone help me out here? I’m on second level and encountered this phrase:
¿Qué desean comer? - what would you like to It?(formal)
Why it’s not ¿Qué desea comer usted? In polish translation the original Answer shows there IS only one person asked. May it be incorrect translation? I mean that It should translate to plural?

I think “que desean comer” means what would you (two or more people) like to eat ? This is the informal plural version.

“Que desea comer usted” is the formal way of asking one person what that person would like to eat

Hi there

Are there plans to add a level 8?
I really enjoed levels 1 to 7 and would really like to go on :slight_smile:



Hmm. I’ve already replied here:

FWIW, in case you’re actually looking for EN-ES, here’s the list of Spanish courses for English speakers:

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I’ve just done a classic review on the new beta version, and it really wasn’t happy with “tan … como” and I don’t know why. I was just given building blocks to select which were basically “tan” “como” “…” “?” “¿” and maybe other unrelated words. So I wasn’t even typing the answer, just clicking the blocks, and it went orange as if I was wrong every single time (it kept giving me the same question to try again and I didn’t get it right until I got it as a listening exercise and chould just choose the one that SAID “tan … como”. I really don’t know what it wanted, and couldn’t have added any spaces or anything, the words were spelt in the blocks for me so I wasn’t spelling them wrong. I tried “tan … como” “tan como” “tan … como …”. Oh wait, maybe they wanted “… tan como” I don’t know, all I know is that “tan … como” is one of my dificult words now :frowning:

I had the same problem!