[Course Forum] Spanish 1 to 7 by Memrise

Yes, It will be great. And additional description that estan in this situation is used as “you are” (formal) :wink:

“me lo paso bien jugando al fútbolI” - “I have a good time playing football”

Why are you translating a present tense by a past tense?
My answer was “me lo pasa bien jugando al fútbol”

Hi @Somelauw,

“Me lo paso” is present tense, 1st person singular (so it’s right). “Me lo pasa” does not exist in Spanish and, if anything, “pasa” is third person singular, so you could say “se lo pasa bien jugando al fútbol” (he/ she has a good time playing football). I hope it makes sense now!




Thanks, I misunderstood this expression. Now I think “I had a good time playing” would be “Me lo pasaba bien”.

Hi @angileptol,

Some help needed, please.

In the five phrases at the end of Level 33 of Spanish (Spain) 3, “this afternoon” comes at the end of the phrase but “today” and “tonight” both come at the start of the phrase. Is this a ‘hard’ rule? Is there a good way to remember it? Would a phrase including, say, either “this morning” or “this week” be treated the same way as “this afternoon” (ie come at the start of the phrase)?

Also, in Level 37, could you add an alternative answer for the plural of “will you be back before or after dinner”?


I think there is a mistake in the following sentence

he is allergic to nuts.
es alérgico a los frutos secos

When I was learning the sentence, it was es alérgico a las nueces. but when I was reviewing it a second ago, it corrected me with a los frutos secos, probably dried fruits.

Similarly nuts changed from las nueces to los frutos secos.

It is in the course Spanish (Spain) 2 Level 12 Getting Fed.

@OguzIncedalipb2 That’s because “las nueces” was the wrong translation for nuts, and it was corrected to “los frutos secos”, about two weeks ago…

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So what I understand is that la nuez is specifically walnut, nut a general name for all the nuts. Los frutos secos refer to the entire collection of nuts. Is this correct?

I think my confusion was the direct translation to English, dried fruits. Although a direct translation to my native language, Turkish, would get me the right answer. Funny.

Yes, that’s correct.

Hi @alanh!

Thank you for your question. If you notice, the phrases with “this afternoon” are both questions, so it’s kind of weird to start a question with the adverbial of time, although it would not be incorrect. Generally the position of adverbials in Spanish is quite flexible, so placing it at the end of the sentence is perfectly correct, it always depends on where you want to place the stress, if in the fact that this is done “today/this week” or on the actual action. I hope it makes more sense! :slight_smile:

I have added it! :slight_smile:


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Hi @OguzIncedalipb2!

Yes, that is correct. For “nuez” we understand “walnut”, “frutos secos” is more accurate, although it also refers to dried fruits.



Thanks Ángela. I should have spotted that those two were questions! :grimacing::blush:


Spanish (Spain) 5: “It might snow this evening” ==> “puede que nieve esta noche”

The italicized transliteration says “it-can that it-snows this night”. But the accepted response has the noun “nieve” instead of the verb “nieva”/“it-snows”.

The accepted response and the transliteration differ. Which one is correct???


“Nieve” is not a noun here, it is presente de subjuntivo of the verb “nevar”.

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Hi @effegee!

As @lenagardariki has rightly pointed out, “nieve” is the present subjunctive form of “nevar”. It is used in this form because the sentence is a hypothesis. Thank you for your question! :slight_smile:



Yes, of course. The online dictionary I used didn’t open the subjunctives and I missed the link to do so.

Thanks all!

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Regarding the words for “this” and “that” (este/esta/esto and ese/esa/eso), I’m finding that there is no consistency as to when to use the masculine or neuter form. For example, “Is it possible to try this on?” is translated as “Es posible probarse esto”, yet “look at that one” gets translated as “mira ese”. I keep choosing the wrong one because no indication is given of whether you want masculine or neuter. It would help if both forms were accepted in most circumstances.



Hello @CapabilityBrown,

Thank you very much for your post. I understand it can be confusing, but I will try to explain why we use “esto” in the first sentence" and “ese” in the second one. In “Es posible probarse esto”, “esto” is neutral since it is not referring to any particular item, it could be a feminine or a masculine item, but “this” does not refer to anything that has been mentioned before. In “Mira ese”, we use the masculine because it is within a context where we have already been talking about a masculine item, for example “¿quieres un pantalón? Mira ese”, if the object we are talking about would be feminine it’d look like this: “¿quieres una falda? Mira esA”. I agree that since you have not been exposed to this previous context, it is impossible to know whether you should choose a masculine, feminine or neutral pronoun. Hence, I will add the necessary alternatives, thank you for bringing this to my attention and I hope the explanation was clear enough.



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Hello Ángela,

In Spanish 5 L16 there’s a sentence “las próximas elecciones son en dos años”.
Shouldn’t it use “dentro de”?


Hello @VT22 and thank you for your question!
In fact, both dentro de and endos años are correct, both mean the same. :slight_smile:
Thank you and happy learning!

