[Course Forum] Sogang 3A vocabulary by cimoril

Dear author of this course. Thank you for doing all of the hard work to enter all of these words.
I wanted to report a few possible corrections. If you have time please review and correct anything you agree with.

Chapter 2
(-이/가) 포함되다 to be included => the use of a slash confuses memrise it thinks that “(이” is 1 of 2 valid answers
other words have similar issues - you might consider just providing an example here instead like “문이 닫혔어요”

Chapter 3
(-이/가) 포함되다 = to be included => the use of a slash confuses memrise it thinks that “(이” is 1 of 2 valid answers
아파트 = Apartment => unexpected capitalization
가구 = Furniture => unexpected capitalization
뭘 그렇게 열심히 보고 있어? = what are you looking at so carefully? => it would be nice to mark this as 반말 so it doesn’t confuse students when they’re reviewing much later (similar for the one after it)
각각 and 따로 each use “separately” as their definition - I find it confusing. Maybe it would be easier if these were used as part of a phrase instead?

Chapter 4
단발머리 = “bobbed, short shair” => (misspelled hair)
체격이 좋다 = “to have good body” => to have a good body, physique

Hi. Can you provide a link to the course and/or the name of the author?

Sure! sogang-3a-vocabulary-2

@Lien, can you send an email to the author, or make one of us the contributor? @tmilo, would you mind doing that?

Making the changes? I’m happy to do it. I’ve got a few more to add to the list.

I really wish there was a way to flag them directly. So the author gets a notification and maybe a comment from the “flagger” about why they think its an error. The forum was hard to find even though I used it a couple of years ago to receive errors in my own courses (did we have a different one in 2014?).

Additional possible changes:

Level 2
한국 사람이 다 댔대요 => “댔대요” should be “됐대요”

Level 4
윶놀이 = traditional game plays with 4 sticks => a traditional game played with 4 sticks

Level 5
체격이 좋다 = to have good body => (really minor but) to have a good body, physique
(이/가) 넘다 = to exceed => previously the course used (-이/가) (note the dash) users need to remember that for this particular word, for typing tests the dash is missing. Also as mentioned previously the ‘/’ slash character breaks things on the memrise website - memrise thinks “(이” is a valid answer.

에 얼마나 신경을 쓰는데 => missing the dash before 에. Also missing the parentheses that were used previously with particles. That being said I don’t really like the parentheses because they’re difficult to type.

Hi @tmilo and @Nigu84,

I sent Cimoril an email to invite her to this thread and offered adding a contributor if it turns out she no longer has interest/time to personally maintain the course.
Hopefully we’ll hear back from her soon.
If you haven’t heard from Cimoril or me in the next couple of weeks, please remind me so I can add you at once.
Have a lovely week,

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Just saw your email. Since it’s late now in Korea and I am on my phone, I will correct the entries tomorrow or Wednesday. Thanks for the feedback and accurately pointing the mistakes.


you could also add this web link (to this forum) in your course description, if you wish to have a “place” for users’ requests

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Oh cool! Thanks for responding and taking a look @cimoril!
There are several Sogang 3 courses on memrise but I think yours has the most users.

I’m not sure how you can solve the slash “(이/가)” etc problem. I think regardless of how you deal with that it’ll take a while for active users to adapt.

Tbh I never had a problem with 이/가 when I was taking the course. And I don’t think I’ve encountered the problem in any of the courses I am “teaching” and learning now. Either way the best I could do was replace the slash with “or”. But in all honesty, that problem shouldn’t take more then a couple of lines of code by the devs to solve^^

As for the "> 각각 and 따로 each use “separately” as their definition - I find it confusing. Maybe it would be easier if these were used as part of a phrase instead? " u mentioned, I simply made the list according to the textbook I was using at Sogang at the time. If it is confusing, I would suggest creating mems for those words.

If you come across any other issues, let me know and I’ll do my best to correct it as soon as possible. I’ve quit this course ever since I stopped going to Sogang which is about 3 to 4 years now and I don’t really have time to review it :frowning:

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Hmm it’s a little inconsistent now though. Some of the lessons use (이/가) some use (이 or 가) and some add a dash (-이 character. It might also be more difficult for some users (tbh me) to have to change from Korean keyboard to english to type “or” and then back again.

I think memrise expects the slash / character to be used to indicate multiple possible answers.

If you have a little time please try to make it at least consistent across the course so users can just memorize one strategy for the course rather than having to know which way to type it for each word.

And yes I agree about the book being rather vague on those two words. It may have also changed in some cases. They’ve been slowly updating all of the books (3A was done in 2015).

If we have context, then obviously, only one of the two is correct (and without the dash of course). If we are talking specifically about the grammar rule, then the “proper/standard” way of writing it should be “-이/가”, at least that’s how most books are presented. Just my two cents.

The Sogang books, on which the course is based use parentheses. But they’re a pain to type and on mobile they take up two of the options which could be some other character on spelling style tests.

Hmmm I didn’t get a notification about new posts here but anyway…
Just let me know if u want me to change it back as it was and skip the parenthesis. So it should be like -이/가 instead of (-이/가). I mean there’s not much I can do about it. And since I personally don’t type when using the mobile app, I am not particularly bothered with the parenthesis. Then again, I don’t do this course anymore so whatever the majority wants.

@Nigu84 is there anyway for a course author to disable memrise’s default ‘/’ behavior? It really doesn’t work well with this course.

No idea. Sorry.

Hello, I’m here to comment about how in lesson 3 (3과) “추첨에서 떨어지다” is misspelled as “추첨에서 떨오지다”