Oh, those. I guess I haven’t encountered a problem in those exercises yet,
but I suppose it could happen.
All right, this time I have an actual language-related question. Long ago I learned “hauska tutustua” for “nice to meet you”. Is there a difference in this phrase and in “hauska tavata”?
Literally tavata means to meet in general, whereas tutustua refers to getting to know someone or meeting someone for the first time. You will find hauska tutustua in my course as well later on. The “proper” usage requires you to use tutustua but people say tavata anyway. In terms of everyday language, both expressions are used. If you want to be precise, use tutustua, but you should know about tavata as well since it is bound to crop up.
Thank you for the detailed answer! Learning from a native speaker is a real advantage
Level 13 says:
Olen saksalainen - You are German
I believe there’s a mistake there.
You might be right… Fixed now, kiitos!
Hi, a have a rather tangential question. I’ve been wondering if the phrase “Kuka olet?” would sound natural in Finnish. I know that in theory you can ommit “sinä”, but I can’t remember ever seeing it like that in any beginners course. So maybe there’s some phrases that just doesn’t sound right without the personal pronouns?
Hello. Kuka olet? sounds a bit abrupt. It is the same thing with Mikä nimesi on?. It is basically a grammatically perfectly good sentence, but no one uses it. I think it is about the aspect of interaction. You are essentially saying that, yes, let’s talk about you instead of me. That is why you need to use the personal pronoun for emphasis. This is especially important when you are asking the same question that has just been asked from you. So the first person to ask how the other person is doing can say Mitä kuuluu?. If the second person wants to repeat this phrase instead of saying Entä sinulle?, he or she needs to say Mitä sinulle kuuluu? putting an emphasis on the word sinulle. You can emphasise this taking of turns furthermore by adding the letter s at the end of the question word: Kukas sinä olet? Mikäs sinun nimesi on? Mitäs sinulle kuuluu? The s could be translated as how about you?
I hope this makes sense.
Yes, it does make sense. In fact, that’s very interesting. Kiitos!
Here’s another request for alts. Level 15:
Olen 21 vuotta vanha - I am 21 years old
Olen 22-vuotias - I am 22 years old
I think we need the first one to also accept “Olen 21-vuotias” and the second one to accept “Olen 22 vuotta vanha”.
Also I haven’t checked if “Kuinka vanha olet?” and “Minkä ikäinen olet?” accept each other, but they should.
OK. Thank you. I will try to fix it.
And some more observations from testing the course. (I skipped a few lessons ahead, because planting all the languages and countries gets tedious after a while, but I’ll keep adding them bit by bit.)
So here’s level 19, sentences on where everyone is from. Some of the phrases use “kotoisin” and some not. Is there a difference where it would be likely to be used and where not? Or is this another case of “we need more alts”?
And in level 16 - “sata” - i assume one hundred not one
Alright. Both level 16 and level 19 should be OK now. Thank you!
It’s me again, sorry. This time level 11 - “tšekki” and “tšekkiläinen” are both “Czech”. Can you differentiate it somehow (or add alts)? Thank you
There’s also Somali and somalialainen. I think that the first is a noun and the other an adjective. Can anyone confirm it?
Thanks both, I’ll go take a look at them. But don’t apologise, you’re helping us make this course better!
OK, with “tšekki” and “tšekkiläinen” it should now show noun and adjective as attributes. With “somali” and “somalialainen”, the translation for “somali” should be “Somali” and the one for “somalialainen” should be “Somalian”, as well as having the noun and adjective attributes. If you could confirm that it’s working properly now that would be helpful. Thanks again!
I do always put attributes to words. Were they not showing Tigs?
Ok, now everything shows