[Course Forum] Shell-Fu

URL: http://www.memrise.com/course/50252/shell-fu/
Course Creator: @Adam

Continuing the discussion from Errors in "Shell-Fu":

This is the new location for error reporting and discussion of the memrise course Shell-Fu

@Adam (when you finally log in and find this), the forums are gone along with any of the discussion and errors that had been reported there. I took the liberty of creating this on your behalf after reading an orphaned topic by @mjgallow. I couldn’t leave an orphan post about a topic as important as *nix shell (ksh man myself).

Adam was the dev and admin at Memrise, until the Zohar team came. Adam, all alone, polite and diligent, kept memrise lean and slim as he could, until … probably the beginning of 2014. He’s not coming back … uff :cry:

Ah, I see - mayhaps I should be asking @Joshua or @Lien if there are any nominated and active contributors that will answer for this orphan instead then?

I wanted to report the following errors in "Shell-Fu."
I’m on a Nexus 6P Android 6.0.1 phone with latest updates.
Let me know if you need more information.
For some reason, I’m limited to including only two links in my post, so click link below to see summary of these errors.
Google Docs page with errors:

Hi @mjgallow, have a bit of a read through http://community.memrise.com/about and a bit of a poke around a few other posts and before you know it, your trust level will have risen to basic user and then you won’t have any issue posting the links. :+1: Hope that helps. By the way, what’s your favourite shell?

@Joshua @Lien The course creator of this course is memrise staff: @Adam. I don’t see him as active at this time but in 16th (multimedia) level of this course, he states if people would like to see extra or report mistakes, then leave a message in the forum - which indicated to me that he’s willing to actively support it. :wink:

Could one of you prompt him to join the community so that he may address @mjgallow’s queries amongst the rest of the courses that he created?

Thanks putting my post where it needed to be! I’ll look through the about page for the memrise community you posted earlier, and if I notice any more errors for Shell-Fu, I’ll post in this forum from now on. No favorite shell type yet. Just learning the basics right now. Anyway, thanks again!