[Course Forum] SGJL series - Core 2k/6k Vocabulary Optimized by Charles_Applin35

There doesn’t seem to be any sound files for the vocab nor the sentences in SGJL 12 - Core 2k/6k Vocabulary Optimized Pt 4

I checked and the course is correctly set to be a typing test. I disabled the “Tapping Test Enabled” setting, but no idea how that impacts mobile. See if it impacts anything. If not, I’ll submit an error report.

Yep, still laziness on my part not uploading the audio. Only did 200 of the 1000 vocabulary in SGJL 10 and 12. If you want, go to the SGJL thread on Koohii forums, at the bottom of the first post are links to audio files. I can give you Contributor status for the courses if I haven’t already and you can add audio.

I’m a contributor on the Tae Kim lessons but not the vocab ones. Would be more than happy to add the audio if you add me.

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I added you to both courses.

Finished uploading all the audio to SGJL 10 except for the bonus kana only vocab as I didn’t have the audio files for them. Gonna take a small break, but SGJL 12 should be finished up either tonight or tomorrow.

Wow! Thanks for that. I knew I needed to get around to it, but I’ve been processing the SGJL 08 for myself and live streaming. I’ll upload the bonus kana audio later today.

Finished uploading the audio for SGJL 12 as well. Same thing, don’t have the audio files for the kana vocab, but the rest is all done!

It was a bit monotonous, but not too bad. Lemme know if you need similar help with the next 2,000.

In SGJL 10, item number 1306, the vocabulary is 間違う, which doesn’t seem to have any real discernible difference from 間違える, which will mark it as incorrect. Upon some research, it’s generally used as an intransitive variation, but it’s not a hard rule, apparently. I added a “vi” anyway to it to distinguish it, but there might be a better way of handling it.

Just out of curiosity, what is the deal with the kana only vocab? I know it’s a bunch of useful words that aren’t covered in the 6K (actually I might be crazy but I think some of them are) but a lot of them are usually written in kanji, so it’s kinda funky to put them in a separate kana only section.

Not a big deal since it’s a small part of the overall course, but they do feel a bit disjointed

the script isnt working anymore, any ideas? (Chrome)

You have to edit the script slightly adding HTTPS instead of HTTP and also an asterisk at the end of the memrise address in the @match line. See one of the posts in current which discusses this.

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thx a lot (10 characters)

Hello!! I just starting this course. It’s pretty awesome!!


I started this great comprehensive course a few months ago. I’ve made my way through all or of the RTK Kanji and about half of the K02K1 Kanji so far, and am working on Tai Kim. (I’m also going through other courses like The Ultimate Kanji Course and Genki.) I’ve found the K02K1 Kanji course a bit confusing because it uses different English Keywords than RTK (I’ve gone through the whole book). Do you have any plans to add an RTK version for the Kanji not covered in your RTK 1 and 2 courses?

Also, I was wondering if you have any timetable for the more advanced courses you have listed but haven’t added yet.

Arigato for what you’ve done so far.

Couldn’t get the timer blocker to work in either firefox or chrome. Which posts are you referring to that discuss this? Got a link?

Yes, I’ll be adding 900 kanji over two courses in the Intermediate set of courses fairly soon. That’s pretty much the entirety of RTK vol 1.

For the timer, refer to this thread.

Thanks Nuke.

What about the more advanced courses on the agenda? Any timetable for those? I’m worried about going through all the currently available SGJL courses, getting to an intermediate level before the more advanced courses are ready. (And I really appreciate what you’ve done so far. It’s given focus to my studies.)

If it matters, all the material I make can be made by anyone here and especially in Anki. They’re all based on stuff anyone can gather. However, these will be created in Memrise so don’t worry too much.

I’ve started this course and it looks promising but what does the abbreviations vi, vs-i or vt mean?