May 14, 2017, 10:49am
Level 10 Typos!
말 means “word” in this subject (말하다 = speaking). 목이 아파요. - 그래요? 그럼 말 을 하지 마세요. = I have a sore throat. - Really? Then do not speak .
Instead of 다치다, meaning “be injured, be wounded, hurt” 다지다 (= “strenghten”) is in the word list.
전 means “before” in the level’s context. “식사 전에” before having a meal, “식사 후에” after having a meal, i.e. when to take the medicine.
허리 = waist (lower part of back)
May 14, 2017, 11:33am
Level 8 Typos!
분 means “person” in official slang. Of course, it means “minute” as well, but in level 8 context, it is “person”.
드시다 is not only the honorific of “to eat” but also of “to drink”.
형제 means male sibling(s) of males. Female sibling(s) of female is 자매, while opposite sex sibling(s) of both female and male is 남매.
May 14, 2017, 11:53am
Level 9 Typos!
교통 불편하다 there is a missing 이 ending 교통. Correctly: 교통이 불편하다 (= transportation is poor or inconvenient) similarly to 교통이 편리하다 (= transportation is convenient).
드라마 촬영하다 ㅑㄴ either 드라마를 촬영하다 as object marker is needed or 드라마 촬영지 as drama (shooting) location (listed in the original book)