[Course Forum] SAT Comprehensive

There are several words that have the exact same description but with different words. Hopefully someone would make them as synonym or alter the descriptions.

Examples are: Fiscal vs Pecuniary , abridge vs truncate.

Btw even though I’m not one of the admins or the course creator for SAT Comprehensive, I felt that there should be at least one place for discussions for the many learners subscribed to this topic (130K!!).

Is anyone maintaining that course?

Hi, I see that audio for many words is missing, I can help to upload it
Audio files can be generated for example using https://developer.oxforddictionaries.com/
Let me know if I can help, it will be helpful for me too, because right now I’m not sure what is the correct pronunciation for many words :slight_smile:

Hello everyone,

I had not seen this thread before. Since a little over a year I’m a contribrutor to this gigantic course.
There is a Course Forum in the English (American) part of the Language Quarters. Would you please add questions and requests over there?

Unfortunately I’ve not been able to reach the other contributors to this course for months now. So I am slowly adding audio files and disambiguating and correcting word definitions on my own.


Hi, thanks for you offer to help. I’ve been slowly adding the audio files, mainly from Forvo, one by one and have completed the first 20 levels now. Do you have experience with uploading large amounts of audio files to Memrise?

I only did it manually, is there any other way to do that?
But in case of downloading audio, the https://developer.oxforddictionaries.com/ allows 3k call per month for free, and if I have a list of words I can easily download the mp3 for them.

Is there any chance to get audio? I would be very thankful.

Like I said, I’m working on adding audio but slowly.

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Sorry, I haven’t noticed. Thank you very much for your work! I’ll be patient.

Do you continue working when this course is on decks?
In which order do you adding audio, alphabetic or in levels?
I’m grateful, thanks!

Hi @Ang,

Yes, I’ll continue if the course is working correctly on the Decks website.
By level, I’m currently working on level 24.

Thank you very much!