[Course Forum] SAT Comprehensive by jonny

First I’d like to thank you for this great, constantly improved course.
Second - I just want to direct your attention to the word “native”. There are two definitions like that for different words.


Hi @aelirenn,

You probably mean endemic and indigenous, There is also aboriginal in level 49. They were already on the list of confusing words that @stream_nine90 was working so hard on before he suddenly disappeared from the forum 11 weeks ago. I’ve been waiting for his return (and in the meanwhile still been slowly adding audio to the words).

For now I’ve edited these 3 words according to the new definitions stream_nine90 had already written and added synonyms to the new synonyms column.

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Thank you!

Thank you all for your efforts! I appeciate your work very much! Some words are still missing audio and if you find the time to add audio I would be very grateful.

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Hi, I can help with adding audio.
According to this web page https://developer.oxforddictionaries.com/ we can download 3k audio files (in general the definitions of the words) per month for free, and if I have a list of words I can easily download the mp3 - I wrote a program to do that.
But I’m not aware if I can upload multiple audiofile at once, is it possible?

continued conversation from [Course Forum] SAT Comprehensive

You can program that is great. Some people use TTS to generate large amounts of audio files quickly and write their own scripts to upload them. old thread

About using Oxford Dictionaries API, I doubt that downloading their audio for use on Memrise is in line with their terms and conditions (not read through all that). And you have to comply with those and give your personal data including even your business name if you want to use their API for free.

For me it’s fine to use my personal data to get the audio files, and I can write an email to ask them if it is fine to use their audio in this course

Hi @Kacper_Mazur

Sorry for the late reply.

Of course you could try. I’m just afraid they will decline because it would mean taking their audio files and copying them to Memrise’s servers.

Hi, @duaal
Finally they answered me, and from one point of view generating audio using their API for Memrise is fine, but from the other side it is not allow to store the audio. So I’m very sorry but we cannot us it.

I will investigate how this bulk scripts to upload audio work.

By the way, do you think that using audio from Forvo is allowed?

Hi @Kacper_Mazur,

Ah good, you’re still here. Well, you tried.

It is doubtful whether it is allowed.

But audio from Forvo has been all over Memrise for years and does not seem to cause problems.

Hello there, Thanks for recommending SAT information. I need it too. But I stumbled upon Google and found this https://www.ontracklearning.net/lafayette/. Can anyone here know this tutoring service in Lafayette? I heard they have tons of positive recommendation from other students too. They make you pass the exam. I’m eager to pass my SAT soon.

I know it’s more than late now to comment on the thread but I found it an interesting topic about SAT. Do you still have the course available for this one in 2019?


There are some confusions in word and definition lately. I’ve just ignored some of them, but it seems its is spreading.

abate - 1. based on a hypothesis 2. existing only in theory ??

Thank you very much for overhauling the corse and adding audio!

  1. based on a hypothesis 2. existing only in theory

Thanks for the heads-up. Just corrected the entry.

Because of vandalism I recently had to restore hundreds of definitions for the words. And also the column with extra information and even the course information which were totally deleted. There were just a couple of copying errors I made during this restauration but I think I’ve got them all now.

If you find any further problems you can of course report them here.

Thank you for the prompt reaction. I love the course!

I have found a new one:

facile - Definition 1. v. make a long, scolding speech 2. n. tirade ???

:face_with_monocle: Fixed.

I like this course and use it to improve my English vocabulary. It really helps me a lot, so thsnk you for creating it. The audio helps me to better remember the words, but I am now at a point (900 words learned) that for the new words audio is not available. Are there any plans to add more audio?

hi @mariekebode95,

Well, the creator of this course seems to have long gone. I’m just adding audio and making some corrections. Currently there is audio for the first 1025 words and I’m slowly adding more.

Are you perhaps learning on the app and has this not been updated lately?
(don’t use the app myself)

Ben je Nederlands of Vlaams trouwens?

Hoi @duaal,

Ik gebruik inderdaad de app en ben Nederlands. De app is voor het laatst geupdate op 21 mei.
Wat goed dat je er nog tijd in steekt om de cursus te verbeteren. Hopelijk kan je mijn leertempo bijhouden met het toevoegen van audio ;).

Kan ik je misschien helpen ermee?