[Course Forum] RyouBakura's Courses

This thread concerns that I’ve created and contribute in. Please inform me of any errors here.

  1. Hare-Kon ハレ婚 Vocabulary (Manga)
    Requirement: N4 grammar
    This is an easy manga to get into, with hard phrases only coming up during law-related conversations.
    Contains audio. The course only covers up volumes 1 to 6 (the only volumes I downloaded).

  2. この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3&4 (Light Novels)
    Requirement: ~N3 Grammar
    These novels contain weird and uncommon phrases and words. I started reading the series for fun without writing down the words. I changed the approach when I realized I was looking up words that I had already looked up before. This is why the course the third and fourth volumes. (They also include words from previous volumes)
    Over 90% of this course contains audio. I did not manage to find audio for the remaining.

  3. 日本語の森N1言葉 (YouTube videos)
    Requirement: N4 Grammar
    This is a course that I only contribute in, and includes the words taught in this playlist:
    I recommend memorizing the words, and then watching their videos.
    There is no intention of adding voices to this course.

  4. この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 5&6
    Continuation of the other KonoSuba course. Finished.


Hey, first: thank you for the courses!

Second: there seems to be an issue with this level https://www.memrise.com/course/5690758/hare-kon-harehun-vocabulary/14/?action=prev

There are 19 words, but one can only learn 13 (clearly the hiragana only words from the previous level are still being counted). This makes it so I keep getting an error message when I try to continue.

Ah you’re right.
I fixed it, but I accidentally deleted the entries from the English level first. Even though I didn’t save, the actions took effect. I guess the “save and continue” button is a joke to Memrise. I’ve fixed it, but you probably lost your progress in these two levels. Real sorry about that. :pray:

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It’s fine! Thanks for fixing the issue so quickly.

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