[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

@lenagardariki и снова СПАСИБО за Вашу помощь!

Hi RobertKnight8a, here is a list of the American courses:

Spanish (Mexico): http://www.memrise.com/course/1180494/spanish-mexico-1/
Spanish (Spain): http://www.memrise.com/course/1179783/spanish-spain-1/
German: http://www.memrise.com/course/1180558/german-1/
French: http://www.memrise.com/course/1179696/french-1/
Italian: http://www.memrise.com/course/1180520/italian-1/
Dutch: http://www.memrise.com/course/1179858/dutch-1/
Korean: http://www.memrise.com/course/1179891/korean-1/
Portuguese (Portugal): http://www.memrise.com/course/1182023/portuguese-portugal-1/
Portuguese (Brazil): http://www.memrise.com/course/1182006/portuguese-brazilian-1/
Russian: http://www.memrise.com/course/1180537/russian-1/
Turkish: http://www.memrise.com/course/1179821/turkish-1/
Chinese (Mandarin): http://www.memrise.com/course/1179936/mandarin-chinese-1/
Danish: http://www.memrise.com/course/1179710/danish-1/
Swedish: http://www.memrise.com/course/1179762/swedish-1/
Norwegian: http://www.memrise.com/course/1179774/norwegian-1/
Japanese: http://www.memrise.com/course/1179909/japanese-1/
Polish: http://www.memrise.com/course/1305270/polish-1/

Hope it helps! Masha


Не за что, всегда рада помочь. С Новым Годом Вас! :slight_smile:

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Hi MashaSh, yeah that seems to have worked. Thanks alot!

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Thanks! It doesn’t help me much because they are all level one, but I’m sure others will find it useful.


What languages and courses do you need? I’ll DM them to you.


Привет! I’m taking the German versions of the Russian courses and I also stumbled upon some mistakes.

  • In он немного грустный, потому что у него нет подруги, подруга is translated with Freundin, which is used for both girlfriend and female friend in German. Maybe подруга could be changed into девушка or at least be accepted as an alternative translation?
  • без десяти четыре is translated as um zehn nach vier, but it’s zehn VOR vier.

  • Both быстро and быстрый are translated with schnell, but in a multiple-choice question it’s impossible to know if the course asks for the adverb or the adjective.
  • он между кухней и гостиной is translated as SIE ist zwischen der Küche und dem Wohnzimmer, while it should be ER ist, as we don’t know what is referred to.
  • The translation for прогулка should say Spazieren (noun) instead of spazieren (verb).
  • фунт is translated as Dollar ($).
  • The German version of два часа, двадцать минут, пять секунд features an und that isn’t in the original (zwei Stunden, zwanzig Minuten UND fünf Sekunden).
  • с днём рождения is translated into herzlichen Glückwunsch, which is a very general congratulation in German. I think Alles Gute zum Geburtstag would work better here.

  • The translation of твоей подруге нравятся комедии? mentions dein Freund instead of deine Freundin. But changing it to Freundin could be confusing again, so maybe add твоей девушке as an alternative correct answer (again)? :sweat_smile:
  • The German version of вчера вечером они ужинали в русском ресторане uses the pronoun wir instead of sie (plural).

  • The translation of они хорошо умеют играть на пианино mentions a zum Beispiel that isn’t in the original.
  • I think this has been mentioned here before: I stumbled upon a ни… ни… and a ни…, ни…, in a multiple choice question. I don’t know where the version with the commas comes from.
  • There’s a typo in the translation of пара пустяков: it says Kleigkeit instead of Kleinigkeit.

  • эта игрушка не моего сына is translated with das Spielzeug da ist gehört meinem Sohn, which has the opposite meaning (and a few extra words). It should say Dieses Spielzeug gehört nicht meinem Sohn.
  • The German version of мне кажется, это браслет моей мамы says Halskette instead of Armband.
  • ты можешь либо описать эту женщину, либо нарисовать её is translated with the formal Sie instead of the informal Du.

Sorry to spam you with such a long list, but I collected those while working through the courses. Thank you so much for your really thought-through courses! They are really fun and helpful, especially for getting a feeling for everyday speech. :slight_smile:

Привет! First off, большое спасибо за Memrise russian course - it’s fun and motivating, I love the “learning with the natives” feature, hoping the bots recently introduced will spread through all levels and that the course continues beyond level 7 in the future.

One small mistake I found in in level 5: the audio is mixed up for two words:

  • мнение - opinion
  • насколько сложно это может быть? - how hard can it be?


@kovboika That’s great! Thank you so much - I’ll correct them asap.

Thanks, @MashaSh! I actually noticed two more in the meantime.

In Russisch 5 (Level 13), in the translation of мои бабушка и дедушка ездили в Африку в молодости it says “mein Großvater und meine Großmutter” instead of “meine Großmutter und mein Großvater”.

And in Russisch 6 (Level 5), both the text and the native speaker(s) say сейчас тяжёлые времена, but the female audio says сейчас сложные времена. Might be tricky to correct though.

Edit: In Russisch 1 (Level 14) the translation of слишком says auch; sehr - as far as I know, слишком is never used as auch (too as in as well in English).

Wiki says it should be translated as “zu” in German. Polish “zbyt/zbytnio” which means “too” in English (for example “слишком много” = “too much”). It’s used when you have too much/too far (etc) and you can’t handle it. (don’t translate it as “too” in “me too” etc.)


Afaik “мои” is plural of “мой/моя”, so it looks ok, but I don’t know if there are some plural feminine versions in Russian or something.

Yeah, that’s what I meant, @Loxiney. :slight_smile: The German translation for слишком is wrong because they said it means “as well” (auch). But I see where the confusion came from.

The problem with мои бабушка и дедушка ездили в Африку в молодости is not the word мои, but the order of бабушка и дедушка in the German translation; it’s the other way round (“grandfather and grandmother” instead of “grandmother and grandfather”).

@MashaSh - I found some more mistakes in Russisch 7. I really love your courses, but it gets a bit frustrating if you have to memorize the mistakes in order to get your answers marked as correct. :disappointed_relieved:

Level 7: The translation of я видел девушку, брат которой жил в нашем доме uses the pronoun wir (we) instead of ich (I). (Should say: Ich habe das Mädchen gesehen, dessen Bruder in unserem Haus gewohnt hat)

Level 14: The German translation of кажется, процедура оказывает действие, не так ли? states the opposite. It’s saying that the procedure is NOT working (die Behandlung scheint KEINEN Effekt zu haben). (should say: Die Behandlung scheint zu wirken, oder nicht?)

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I’m working through the Russian 3 course (from UK English) and some of the lessons don’t line up with their titles - it looks like a bit of a mess, and I’m wondering if there’s some content missing too. Can you have a look at it?

Starting from lesson 24 - the Lost in Space lesson contains the months of the year

  • lesson 25 Months and Dates contains vocabulary about money
  • the Bargaining lesson 26 contains furniture
  • the furniture lesson 27 is about finding things
  • the Finding Your Kit lesson 28 is about travel vocabulary
  • Exploration lesson 29 is about making plans
  • lesson 30 looks fine, but then Lesson 31 only has 5 items, and lesson 32 has only 4 items.
    Then, from lesson 33 onwards it looks correct again.

Many thanks, and as ever still loving the course :slight_smile:


I just wanted to reinforce krgstd’s request to correct some errors and bugs in this course we’ve encountered:

Russisch 2:

  • без десяти четыре is translated as um zehn nach vier, but it’s zehn VOR vier.

Russisch 3:

  • Both быстро and быстрый are translated with schnell, but in a multiple-choice question it’s impossible to know if the course asks for the adverb or the adjective.
  • он между кухней и гостиной is translated as SIE ist zwischen der Küche und dem Wohnzimmer, while it should be ER ist, as we don’t know what is referred to.
  • The translation for прогулка should say Spazieren (noun) instead of spazieren (verb).
  • фунт is translated as Dollar ($).

Many thanks in advance :wink:

I wonder if you can explain to me why the это in the Russian 6 sentence ‘это серьги моей жены’ is not эти, as серьги is plural? Any help much appreciated!

the sentence ‘это серьги моей жены’ is correct.
In Russian, when we say something that corresponds to the English phrases “This is / these are”, “That is / those are”, we normally use ‘это’ in this unchangeable (neuter singular) form:
This/that/it is a new house. Это новый дом.
This/it is my pen. Это моя ручка.
These are his glasses. Это его очки.
Those are the earrings of my wife. Это серьги моей жены.
This is interesting. Это интересно.
That is bad. Это плохо.

But when the pronoun ‘этот/эта/это’ is used as an adjective, it has to agree with the noun.
This house is new. Этот дом новый.
This pen is mine. Эта ручка моя.
Those earrings belong to my wife. Эти серьги принадлежат моей жене. etc.

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Thanks for such a prompt reply and for taking the time to do it!

Hi - I agree with lenagardariki 's explanation, but I think the sentence is not correct.
This picture is of the sentences in Russian 6 Level 1. Looking at the surrounding phrases, and the English translations, it’s clear that we’re using the demonstrative adjective, not a pronoun, so it should be declined “эти”. (Alternatively, the English should be corrected to “These are my wife’s earrings”?).

You are right, the English phrase uses the demonstrative adjective while the Russian one uses the pronoun so technically the two phrases are not calques of one another. But the meaning is almost the same so I am not sure the correction is needed (it’s not for me to decide though). Besides, the literal translation is hardly possible in this case, because the phrase “Эти серьги – моей жены” would be awkward enough (I think it may be used colloquially but certainly not in a language course). So the only way is to change the English version… or leave it the way it is :slight_smile:

p. s. Interestingly, in two other examples from the table, both ways of using это are possible.
Эта игрушка не моего сына / Это игрушка не моего сына. Both versions are good (besides, they sound the same, you can only see the difference when it is written down).
Эти цветы для моей мамы / Это цветы для моей мамы. Both are correct, a very slight difference in meaning.

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Russian 3, Level 1, У тебя есть карта. Does not accept У вас есть карта.