[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

Hi, in Russian 6 there ist the Russian sentence:
эта игрушка не моего сына
das Spielzeug da ist gehört meinem Sohn
I think it is wrong!
эта игрушка не моего сына = gehört nicht meinem Sohn

Hi, I’m currently studying Russian 2 and I get “на здоровье” as translation for “you’re welcome”. This confuses me a bit because I can’t find this meaning in the dictionary and in Russian 1 “you’re welcome” was translated as “пожалуйста”.
Could you please give me an example when you’d use “на здоровье” and when you’d use “пожалуйста” to say “you’re welcome”?

I think this phrase is more used to say “cheers!” when you drink

I think the same thing was discussed somewhere up in this thread.

I don’t remember the outcome… If you have time maybe you could read some
earlier posts

Thanks, Atikker.

In Russian 1 “на здоровье” is translated as “cheers”. That’s fine, I can find this translation in my dictionary. But then in Russian 2 “на здоровье” is suddenly translated as “you’re welcome” and this is what I don’t really understand.

I’ll check the older posts as you suggested and see if I can find anything.

Never heard that in Russian anybody said “на здоровье” as “cheers” when drinking. We say “За здоровье”. I think in Polish they say “Na zdrowie” in this situation (and maybe in Hollywood movies about Russian mafia, but certainly not in RL).

Yes, “На здоровье” is one of the ways to say “you are welcome”, along with “пожалуйста” and “не за что”. And yes I remember vaguely that I already wrote about it somewhere here :slight_smile:
You can reply “на здоровье” when somebody thanks you for dinner or for coffee. And it is used when speaking to kids. In other cases, “пожалуйста” is more common.

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Thanks, gardariki. I found your previous post on this phrase I also appreciate your explanation on “на/за здоровье”. I was my own mistake actually, I remembered the wrong preposition. Russian 1 does indeed say “за твоё здоровье!” = “cheers”, so everything is fine. :slight_smile:

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I have a question about railway station. It’s a really long word.

In which cases they use this and when just вокзал?

Which one is more casual? Does it depends on location?

Вокзал is definitely more common for me. The only exception I can think of right now is when there is no substantial building at the railway station (because вокзал is usually perceived as a more o less spacious building near the railway platforms ). In this case it would be станция or железнодорожная станция (the latter would be used if it is necessary to distinguish the railway station from the bus station or other kinds of stations).
So, respectively, if you are in a city, it will be вокзал, and if it is a village, you will probably have just (железнодорожная) станция.

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could I use остановка as well or is it only for buses and taxis?

@MashaSh Is it possible for you to add Вокзал so I could be tested on it?

Exactly, остановка = -bus stop.

Unfortunately I cannot do it, I am not a staff member, just another regular user who happens to be a russian native :slight_smile:

p.s. For taxis it would rather be “стоянка такси”.

So it is вокзал for train station, остановка for bus station and стоянка for :taxi:

Thank you very much!

Sorry, I didn’t know… You sound like a specialist

I am not a linguist, just an amateur, drawing mostly on my own experience. we could certainly use a second opinion discussing the language…

остановка for bus station

It actually depends, there is автостанция and автовокзал for intercity buses.

A native Russian speaker is a specialist! Especially one with an interest in learning languages. :slight_smile:

Don’t know which russian course from 1-3. I reviewed and typed “it = это” because shouldn’t “he = он”

Why он if the english phrase says it?

Why он if the english phrase says it?

The translation is possible if this “it” implies something that happens to be masculine in Russian. E. g.,
I like this jacket but I think it is too big for me.
Мне нравится этот пиджак, но я думаю, он слишком большой для меня.

I can understand that but there is no way to know it while reviewing.

When I typed это it was wrong

That’s why I made this post.

это shouldn’t be wrong where there is only IT in English

Literally, - it - means это, - what is it? - что это? But if it refers to
an object, it is substituted by a gender pronoun - он, она, оно.
One can never know it without context. So, I guess, both answers are
correct in this case.

why does it seem like there was an addition of words but they are the same as what is tested before?