[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

And the following for Russe 6, Level 16

« скучать / s’ennuyer » : in the English course, it is translated by “to miss” which is more consistent with the topic of the level. Maybe you could add « manquer » in the French card (and an example as « I miss you » would be useful)

« заботиться / s’occuper de » : I think the French translation may rather be « se soucier » or « penser à »

« они больше друг с другом не говорят / ils ne se parlent plus » : this is not what the guy in the video is saying. I think he’s saying “разговорят” instead of “говорят”.

« он до сих пор заботится о своей бывшей / il s’occupe toujours de son ex » : as for the translation above, I think « s’occupe de » need to be changed by « pense », « Il pense toujours à son ex ». At least, I’m almost sure that « s’occuper de » is not the correct translation


Hi @fflorian,

The correction of all the above mentioned has been implemented, thank you for your attention to detail :slight_smile:


Thanks again!

I notice that “скупой платит дважды” has not been changed. Did you forget or is it on purpose? (I can understand that you might want to keep the current translation, but just tell it in this case please, and don’t write that everything has been updated)

I have some new questions

Russe 6, level 20, « это было бы … / ce serait … » already exists in a previous course (I don’t remember which one exactly)

Russe 7, level 5, « выяснить / to find out » is in the English course, but not in the French one, why?

Russe 7, level 8, « покачать / secouer »: could it be possible to change the translation to « secouer (la tête) » like in the English course “to shake (head)”

Russe 7, level 8, « пожать / serrer »: could it be possible to change the translation to « serrer (la main de qn) » like in the English course “to squeeze; to shake (someone’s hand)”

Russe 7, level 8, « кивать головой / acquiescer »: « acquiescer » doesn’t imply using the head in French, wouldn’t be « hocher la tête » a better translation ?

Russe 7, level 8, « они утверждают, что они только защищали детей / ils affirment qu’ils n’ont fait que protéger les enfants »: I think the guy in the video says “они утверждают, что просто защищали детей” or something like that

Russe 7, level 8, « улики указывают на то, что ты виновен / les preuves montrent que tu es coupable »: I don’t remember that улики and указывать have been introduced yet, have they?


Hi @fflorian,

For the translation of “скупой платит дважды” I will discuss further with my Russian specialist colleague, my apologies for leaving this out from my previous response. We will also discuss your further points together and fix when needed asap :slight_smile: I’ll get back to you as soon as we have.


Ok, thank you!


Hi! me again

Still for Russian for French course, I have some issues with French names and adjectives that are written the same way, for example « mort » or « meurtrier ». Till now, I remembered which one was asked for, but now in Russian 7, there are « secret » and « secret », which I can’t distinguish. Furthermore, I see that for « pouvoir », the card for the noun is « le pouvoir ». So could you add the article at least for those cards when it is about a noun please ? « la mort », « un meurtrier », « un secret »…

I also noticed a typo in Russian 7, Level 12, « влиятельный / infuent »: I think it should be « influent »


Hi @fflorian,

I hope you are well. My colleague and I have chosen to stick to the translation given originally as the literal translation doesn’t convey the idiom nature of the phrase :slight_smile:

I have moved the item это было бы … so it appears first before being introduced in a sentence (so, it now is in Russe 4 Level 1).

The word выяснить is taught in Russe 7 Level 36, which is a bit later than in the Russian-English course.

I have changed the translations into secouer (la tête); serrer (la main de qun); hocher la tête, thank you for spotting these! :slight_smile:

For the sentence улики указывают на то, что ты виновен the term указать is taught in Russe 6 Level 5 (the verb has another aspect, as you can see here), but the term улики is taught only in this sentence indeed. I will talk further with our Russian specialist and see how to fix this.

You are right for the sentence они утверждают, что они только защищали детей the video says differently. We will try and fix this asap too!

Thanks again for your help in noticing those irregularities!

Kind regards,

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Hi @fflorian,

I have introduced the much needed articles and corrected the typo! Thank you for spotting these.


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Thanks again for all the corrections and the precisions

I hope I am not too bothering (don’t worry, I should finish the Russian courses in less than 2 weeks)

Here are my next questions:

Russe 4, Level 8, « успокойся / se calmer »: I don’t think it is an infinitive, wouldn’t the correct translation be « du calme » or « calme-toi »?

Russe 7, Level 5, « свой район / quartier »: I don’t understand this one. Why « свой район » and not just « район »?

Russe 7, Level 6, « глубокий / profond »: Before looking at the English course, I didn’t understand why this word is in this level. It seems it is because the next card is « we are in deep trouble ». But it is not the Russian translation for « deep » which is used in this phrase. I’m not sure if this way of learning is optimal for Russian from English, but I’m almost sure that there are more appropriate levels to learn this word in French, don’t you think?

Russe 7, Level 17, « решение проблем / résolution de problème »: I’m not sure if the correct French is « problème » or « problèmes » or if both are correct, but since the Russian word is in plural, it would be better if it were also the case in French if it is correct


Next remarks:

There are two « souvenir »: “сувенир” and “воспоминание”, maybe the first one could be changed in « souvenir (objet) » (if I understand well what it means)

There are two « découvrir »: “открывать” and “выяснить”. The first one may not be necessary since there is already « ouvrir, découvrir / открыть » before

There are two « tomber »: “падать” and “упасть”.

There are two « rater » in Russe 7, levels 34 and 36

There is the adjective « politique » in Russe 7, and I remember encountering the noun in a previous level. I don’t remember where exactly, but I think there was no article. If it is the case, it would avoid confusion to add it


… and one last remark, беспокоиться is taught two times in Russe 7

So I just finished the last official Russian course. Here is my global feedback for the 7 official courses

Globally I am rather satisfied. I liked the thematic sorting with around 20 words about a topic in each level. Audios are good and videos are helpful. For the negative points:

  • I felt like there were not enough verbs at the beginning. A lot of nouns, but not enough verbs to build sentences with all those nouns. I would have liked to be able to say a little more than мне нравится and мне не нравится at that time.

  • Some basic words are missing. I would have appreciate some additional levels to learn the rest of the family (внук, отец, тётя, дядя…), or other fruits and vegetables (помидор, огурец…) for example

  • At the end, there are some levels with random words. I don’t feel like they are as useful as the other ones.

So thanks for the work you’ve done
Now I have to keep practicing :slight_smile:

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This is where you should post your queries about the course, by the way.

A question from @macmiller194083 for @pasha75

“how am I to know if the correct answer to “orange” will be the fruit, “апельсин” or the color, “оранжевый”?”

He posted it elsewhere, and I don’t know how to move posts, so I am just quoting it.

Thank you so much for your help at redirecting my question.

Thank you for your precious feedback and remarks @fflorian!

Me and my colleague @pasha75 will also treat the 10 points you raised here above as soon as possible!


Thanks Fanny!

Could you also talk about these other problems I encountered with some other words:

  • The remark of @macmiller194083 also holds for the French course: there are two « orange », the fruit and the colour and it is not possible to distinguish them when using the global review

  • The same for « clair », “светлый” for a colour and “ясный” (Russe 5, Level 16) for the sky

  • And also the same for « taille », “рость” (Russe 3, Level 13) and “размер” (Russe 7). For this one I don’t know the difference

EDIT: also

  • « énerver », “разозлить” (Russe 4, Level 6) and “расстроить” (Russe 5, Level 19)

  • « se concentrer », “концентрироваться” (Russe 4, Level 18) and “фокусироваться” (Russe 7, Level 20)



A user called @daveandalf40 has found this problem in Russian/Italian:

"On Russian 6 level 5 the word слева is translated once as " on the left " and used in a sentence as " on the right “.”

@pasha75 can you look at this, along with the Italian specialist, maybe?

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Thank you @amanda-norrsken,

Our Italian specialist @Chiara_Ma is looking into this :slight_smile:


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The issue has been fixed, thank you for flagging it, @amanda-norrsken!



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