[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

Hi @fflorian,

I hope you are well. Me and our Russian specialist @pasha75 have been working through all your comments and questions, as below:

  • успокойся is now translated by calme-toi
  • quartier is now taught as район
  • we are thinking of removing глубокий in a way that wouldn’t disturb the experience of learners, I’ll come back to you on this
  • the literal translation for решение проблем now shows problèmes
  • we have now specified the differences between сувенир and воспоминание, as well as between открывать and выяснить, падать and упасть
  • we have also specified the differences between the double occurrences of orange, clair, taille, énerver, politique and rater
  • we are also working on концентрироваться and фокусироваться and will come back to you when fixed

Thanks again for you remarks and your collaboration, very helpful and constructive as always!



Thank you again!

Since my last post, I encountered some new problems with

  • principal: “главный” and “основной”
  • calme: “тихий” and “спокойный”
  • à gauche: “налево” and “слева”
  • à droite: “направо” and “справа”
  • physique: “физика” (the scientific field) and “физический” (adjective physical)
  • argent: “деньги” (money) and “серебро” (metal)
  • nourriture: “еда” and “пища”


There are few mistakes at Russisch 1 (Russian for german guys and girls):

If you say just “очень вкусный” it cannot stand alone. It needs a special food etc. in front, or it would be ending with -o, so there more examples in this course, with -o ending and with food in front. So I would purge this one.

Please change the german translation for: какой у тебя номер телефона? - Was ist deine Telefonnummer? is very bad translation, better would be: Wie lautet deine Telefonnummer? Same with: мой номер телефона… would be Meine Telefonnummer lautet…

And one real bad mistake: навынос does not exist! It has to be на вынос, and Mitnehmen as translation is awful! Better make it: (Essen/Getränk) zum Mitnehmen or “to go”, which is known here, too.

As in many other languages german sentences begin with capital letters and end up in full-stops! Same as in russian… Be so kind to change it, too.

Yours Ikhnaton

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Russian-German Course 4 Mistake in German:
Sie habe nicht mit uns zu Abend gegessen.
Wrong conjugation, correct it has to be: Sie haben nicht mit uns…

Hello. In Russian 3 there are the words быстро and быстрый. In the German translate, for both words is the same German word (schnell) , so I didn’t know, which one the app want’s to hear. If the app means fast (schnell) or faster (schneller). I hope you can help.

Dear @Ikhnaton,
Thank you for your comments. As per “очень вкусный”, we give all adjectives in masuline singular form, so we can’t make an exception for this one.
“Навынос” is an adverb an is written as one word, unlike “на вынос” - a verb with preposition “мы смотрели на вынос флага”.
Hope you find it useful.
Best regards, Pavel

Hi @sfenske42,

thanks for noticing, we have now corrected the translation of it.

@Silberfeder, well spotted! The issue was that one is an adjective, and the other is an adverb and we use the same word for both in German. I’ve added “adjective” and “adverb” respectively to the German translation to make it distinguishable.

Thanks and happy learning!

found an error in translation in course 6 Russion <> German
Russian sentence:
мне кажется, это браслет моей мамы
ich glaube, dass diese Halskette meiner Mutter gehört
The браслет should be replaced by бусы or
in German Halskette by Armband



In the Russian 5 course (Russian for English speakers) there are the words “Risk” and “Risk …” which are pronounced the same, so in hearing exercises this becomes a guess, which is very annoying.


Hi @smibne,

thanks for spotting it, I have amended the German translation to say “ich glaube, dass dieses Armband meiner Mutter gehört”.

Thanks again and happy learning!


Hi @metalking

You are right, having them as separate items does not really help. Now only one is left. Thank you for reporting this. Happy leaning.


In the Android app, the last few segments of Russian 3 are labelled wrong, and have some differences to the course in the browser.

Clicking “24: Lost in Space” doesn’t actually appear to be a course (it isn’t in the browser version’s list at all). Clicking it actually opens up “25: Months and Dates”'s content, clicking 25 opens up 26’s content, and everything is off going on from that.

Also, what’s marked “32: Maybe…” in the app only has four words in it. Is that right?

I cannot answer the question.
There are only too short scentences.

In the second step at the Russian 6 course you will immediately encounter two very similar sentences, one involving the instrumental case the other one not.

Это был мудрый выбор.
Это было естественным выбором.

Why is the instrumental case used in the second sentence but not in the first one?

Hi. Thank you for reporting the bug. We are aware of it and working on fixing it as soon as possible. You will have it fixed with you next app update. Sorry for the inconvenieces caused. Your Memrise team.

some correction required in course German <> Russian
Course 6 /15:
typo “seine Familie ist artm” should be “seine Familie ist arm”
Course 3 / 25:
translation incorrect for фунт, should be “Pfund”
Course 5 / 5:
translation to German is missing “our”, “was ist der nächste Schritt?” should be “was ist unser nächster Schritt?”
Course 5 / 13:
Grandpa and grandma is mixed up in German or Russian.
Written: “mein Großvater und meine Großmutter” <> мои бабушка и дедушка
I think in Russian it should be мои дедушка и бабушка in a previous course a sentence was also starting with grandpa.

thank you

Course 7 / 5 vocabulary test for crime scene answer with “место преступления” is shown twice, one is only having a difference in the break line, I could not see any difference but the shorter shown version is mentioned as incorrect.

Hi @smibne,

thanks for your feedback! I’ve changed the content for the first two remarks. About “was ist der nächste Schritt?” - I’ve checked with our Russian specialist and he said that even though literally, the Russian phrase has “unser” in it, the phrase has a more general meaning, thus “was ist der nächste Schritt?” is a suitable translation (you see the “unser” in the literal translation). The translation for Course 5 / 13 has been changed, both Russian and the German translation should start with “Großmutter” first.

Thanks and happy learning!

Please correct: Russ. 3 Level 11 russ. / german
он между кухней и гостиной — (or in russian онa)
(correct: er) sie ist zwischen der Küche und dem Wohnzimmer
Thank you!


In Russ. 6 Level 9 russ./pol. “удар” is standing for both “uderzenie; cios” and “nanieść; zadać”. Shouldn’t the second of those be “наносить” instead (not sure, but seems more probable from “наносить удары ножом” phrase)?


Bitte Überschriften zu den einzelnen Levels besser umschreiben bzw. korrigieren: Russ. 3
Level 4 - statt: “Gefunden im Weltraum” vielleicht " den Weg finden"
Level 5 - vielleicht ergänzen mit Orte zum Entdecken “- Länder”
Level 6 - Menschentypen “Berufe”
Level 7 - In geheimem Auftrag “rund um den Kopf”
Level 15 - Über die Kinder und Uni reden
Level 16 - Interessengebiete - Unterrichtsfächer
Level 17 - Medien / Liebe und Hass
Level 19 - Klingen wie ein Einheimischer - Fluchen und Feiertage
Level 20 - Entdeckungen / Flugreisen
Level 24 - Monate und Daten [nicht bei Level 25 - die nachfolgenden Titel sind wohl verrutscht]
Level 25 - Feilschen und Handeln [hier ist der Titel richtig]
Level 26 - Möbel
Level 27 - sonstiger Hausrat
Level 28 statt “Ausrüstung beschaffen” - “mit dem Flugzeug in den Urlaub”
Level 29 - “Verabreden”
Level 30 - “Spielen”
Level 31 - “1000 Jahre”