[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

So it is вокзал for train station, остановка for bus station and стоянка for :taxi:

Thank you very much!

Sorry, I didn’t know… You sound like a specialist

I am not a linguist, just an amateur, drawing mostly on my own experience. we could certainly use a second opinion discussing the language…

остановка for bus station

It actually depends, there is автостанция and автовокзал for intercity buses.

A native Russian speaker is a specialist! Especially one with an interest in learning languages. :slight_smile:

Don’t know which russian course from 1-3. I reviewed and typed “it = это” because shouldn’t “he = он”

Why он if the english phrase says it?

Why он if the english phrase says it?

The translation is possible if this “it” implies something that happens to be masculine in Russian. E. g.,
I like this jacket but I think it is too big for me.
Мне нравится этот пиджак, но я думаю, он слишком большой для меня.

I can understand that but there is no way to know it while reviewing.

When I typed это it was wrong

That’s why I made this post.

это shouldn’t be wrong where there is only IT in English

Literally, - it - means это, - what is it? - что это? But if it refers to
an object, it is substituted by a gender pronoun - он, она, оно.
One can never know it without context. So, I guess, both answers are
correct in this case.

why does it seem like there was an addition of words but they are the same as what is tested before?

Russian 1, lvl 15

I think it is wise to get rid of the parentheses and use semicolons instead… or just add a bunch of alternatives because it does not accept any of these нас; нам; нами

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why is there no videos in Russian 4? Is anybody else experiencing that or only me?

Audio files from Russian 5-5 for “opinion” and “how hard can it be?” are swapped :wink:

Hey guys,

First of all, thank you very much for creating such valuable high-quality courses.

I am about to finish Russian 2 and I am planning on completing the whole series.

From your experience, what would be the average fluency one can acheive after finishing all the courses (Russian 1 through 7)?

I am also using Duolingo, Pimsleur (1 - 3) and Michel Thomas. Any idea of the level of fluency I can acheive after completing all the above?

Thanks in advance :smile:

after finishing all 7 official courses your level should be B1, as Lien
told last year.
1-3 => A1; 4-6 => A2

22.04.2017 15:11 kirjutas kuupäeval “Bassel Kharsa” <
[email protected]>:

@Atikker Glad to hear that! Thanks for taking time to reply!

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In your Course Russian 2 (created by Memrise, German<=>Russian) in Lession 18 you translate “без десяти четыре” into “um zehn nach vier”(at ten past four) BUT it is actually “um zehn vor vier”(at ten to four)

In Russian 1, level 9, in spanish, it translates “мне не нравятся яблоки” as “no me gustan las naranjas” which means “I don’t like oranges”, when it actually says “I don’t like apples” which in spanish is “no me gustan las manzanas”.

So, the “crime scene - место преступления” just came up for review again. Clearly it was not fixed, as I picked the wrong one of the two identical место преступления. I managed to grab a quick screenshot of it when it came up next (before picking one). Option 3 and option 8 here are identical. And one of them is wrong. Still.

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@MashaSh @Lien
So, it’s been two weeks since I wrote about this problem allegedly fixed in October. I’ve noticed that the imperfect/perfect problem that was fixed around the same time has also not been fixed. This has forced me to continue to ignore verbs in this course, as I simply cannot remember a year after the fact what aspect a given verb was presented with. Here is a new screenshot even more beautifully illustrating the место преступления problem that was solved more than six months ago. I don’t know who else to tag, but it seems like MashaSh’s last post on the forum was in March, and there has been no contributions in this thread since January (save from users with questions), so I don’t know if you even have someone covering Russian anymore.

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In Russian 3 there is an audio test where the word spoken is род and the options to select from for the answer include both род and рот. My understanding was that these are pronounced exactly the same when occurring without a following word. Is there actually a difference in the pronunciation? If not, рот needs to be removed from the false answers to this question. Thanks!