[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

Hi. Thank you for reporting the bug. We are aware of it and working on fixing it as soon as possible. You will have it fixed with you next app update. Sorry for the inconvenieces caused. Your Memrise team.

some correction required in course German <> Russian
Course 6 /15:
typo “seine Familie ist artm” should be “seine Familie ist arm”
Course 3 / 25:
translation incorrect for фунт, should be “Pfund”
Course 5 / 5:
translation to German is missing “our”, “was ist der nächste Schritt?” should be “was ist unser nächster Schritt?”
Course 5 / 13:
Grandpa and grandma is mixed up in German or Russian.
Written: “mein Großvater und meine Großmutter” <> мои бабушка и дедушка
I think in Russian it should be мои дедушка и бабушка in a previous course a sentence was also starting with grandpa.

thank you

Course 7 / 5 vocabulary test for crime scene answer with “место преступления” is shown twice, one is only having a difference in the break line, I could not see any difference but the shorter shown version is mentioned as incorrect.

Hi @smibne,

thanks for your feedback! I’ve changed the content for the first two remarks. About “was ist der nächste Schritt?” - I’ve checked with our Russian specialist and he said that even though literally, the Russian phrase has “unser” in it, the phrase has a more general meaning, thus “was ist der nächste Schritt?” is a suitable translation (you see the “unser” in the literal translation). The translation for Course 5 / 13 has been changed, both Russian and the German translation should start with “Großmutter” first.

Thanks and happy learning!

Please correct: Russ. 3 Level 11 russ. / german
он между кухней и гостиной — (or in russian онa)
(correct: er) sie ist zwischen der Küche und dem Wohnzimmer
Thank you!


In Russ. 6 Level 9 russ./pol. “удар” is standing for both “uderzenie; cios” and “nanieść; zadać”. Shouldn’t the second of those be “наносить” instead (not sure, but seems more probable from “наносить удары ножом” phrase)?


Bitte Überschriften zu den einzelnen Levels besser umschreiben bzw. korrigieren: Russ. 3
Level 4 - statt: “Gefunden im Weltraum” vielleicht " den Weg finden"
Level 5 - vielleicht ergänzen mit Orte zum Entdecken “- Länder”
Level 6 - Menschentypen “Berufe”
Level 7 - In geheimem Auftrag “rund um den Kopf”
Level 15 - Über die Kinder und Uni reden
Level 16 - Interessengebiete - Unterrichtsfächer
Level 17 - Medien / Liebe und Hass
Level 19 - Klingen wie ein Einheimischer - Fluchen und Feiertage
Level 20 - Entdeckungen / Flugreisen
Level 24 - Monate und Daten [nicht bei Level 25 - die nachfolgenden Titel sind wohl verrutscht]
Level 25 - Feilschen und Handeln [hier ist der Titel richtig]
Level 26 - Möbel
Level 27 - sonstiger Hausrat
Level 28 statt “Ausrüstung beschaffen” - “mit dem Flugzeug in den Urlaub”
Level 29 - “Verabreden”
Level 30 - “Spielen”
Level 31 - “1000 Jahre”

found something to get corrected

Course 7 level 7
Vocabulary: я видел девушку, брат которой жил в нашем доме
German version is writing we and not I. Could this please be equal.
Course 7 level 5
район missing audio version, not sure if any available or just missing

Thank you

Hi @smibne,

thanks for flagging these! I’ve changed the German translation of “я видел девушку, брат которой жил в нашем доме” to say “I”. For “район”: I just checked and this item has audio, so please check again (maybe log out and in again) to see if you still have that issue.

Thanks and happy learning!


Hi, on the the course search page for Russian courses for British English Speakers (web version), only 14 courses are showing up.
A similar thing happened with the Japanese courses which has been fixed here [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

So I thought I better let you know so hopefully it can get fixed as well. :slight_smile:

Hi @tampora. Thank you for heads up. We are looking into the issue.


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the male voice for the card “предпочитать” in the Russian 1 deck says “это не для меня”

Hi. Thank you for flagging the mistake. It has been fixed now. Good luck in your learning.

Hi, I noticed there was a typo in Russian 1 - 10 (Vocab Booster: Numbers).
For number 13 it’s been misspelled as “thriteen”, only a small issue but still!

Hi Pasha,

Since some time the Russian 1 and 2 courses have been updated to include a lot more colloquial terms and short sentences which of course don’t have a very literal translation.
But in Russian 1 - lesson 14 (What to eat),
the sentence
“девушка, вы не могли бы мне помочь”
is translated as
“excuse me, could you please help me”
which seems a step too far for me.

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Hi @metalking
Thank you for your comment. You have rightly noticed that the updated course has more colloquial and culturally relevant content. Calling a shop assistant or a waitress “девушка” is a specific Russian thing. But translating it as a “young lady” does not seem natural or relevant. So we have made a decision to give contextual equivalents based on the situations rather than translations. Hope it explains our way of thinking. We would be thankful for any further comments on our courses. Best regards, Pasha.

but what about when the shop assistent is a young man? isnt it insulting to call him девушка?

No, we’ll call him молодой человек :slight_smile:. But that’s a fair point, unfortunately, we don’t have enough space in the app to teach all possible shopping scenarios. Happy learning!

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That’s interesting - I always thought that молодой человек corresponds to boyfriend. Learn something new everyday, thanks! :metal:t4:

“Young man” is a polite and very popular mode of address.
You can say it practically to everyone, not only to actual young men. :slight_smile: (but not to women of course)


As I native I can’t but disagree. “Молодой человек” и “Девушка” both have a lot of connotation, context and cultural background. So I’d recommend not to use it at all, at least until you feel confident in different meanings. It’s a still slang, and sometimes not very polite.

Just imagine somebody in 20’s addressing a shopkeeper in his 60’s as a “молодой человек”? Weird.

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