So I just finished the last official Russian course. Here is my global feedback for the 7 official courses
Globally I am rather satisfied. I liked the thematic sorting with around 20 words about a topic in each level. Audios are good and videos are helpful. For the negative points:
I felt like there were not enough verbs at the beginning. A lot of nouns, but not enough verbs to build sentences with all those nouns. I would have liked to be able to say a little more than мне нравится and мне не нравится at that time.
Some basic words are missing. I would have appreciate some additional levels to learn the rest of the family (внук, отец, тётя, дядя…), or other fruits and vegetables (помидор, огурец…) for example
At the end, there are some levels with random words. I don’t feel like they are as useful as the other ones.
So thanks for the work you’ve done
Now I have to keep practicing
Could you also talk about these other problems I encountered with some other words:
The remark of @macmiller194083 also holds for the French course: there are two « orange », the fruit and the colour and it is not possible to distinguish them when using the global review
The same for « clair », “светлый” for a colour and “ясный” (Russe 5, Level 16) for the sky
And also the same for « taille », “рость” (Russe 3, Level 13) and “размер” (Russe 7). For this one I don’t know the difference
There are few mistakes at Russisch 1 (Russian for german guys and girls):
If you say just “очень вкусный” it cannot stand alone. It needs a special food etc. in front, or it would be ending with -o, so there more examples in this course, with -o ending and with food in front. So I would purge this one.
Please change the german translation for: какой у тебя номер телефона? - Was ist deine Telefonnummer? is very bad translation, better would be: Wie lautet deine Telefonnummer? Same with: мой номер телефона… would be Meine Telefonnummer lautet…
And one real bad mistake: навынос does not exist! It has to be на вынос, and Mitnehmen as translation is awful! Better make it: (Essen/Getränk) zum Mitnehmen or “to go”, which is known here, too.
As in many other languages german sentences begin with capital letters and end up in full-stops! Same as in russian… Be so kind to change it, too.
Hello. In Russian 3 there are the words быстро and быстрый. In the German translate, for both words is the same German word (schnell) , so I didn’t know, which one the app want’s to hear. If the app means fast (schnell) or faster (schneller). I hope you can help.
Dear @Ikhnaton,
Thank you for your comments. As per “очень вкусный”, we give all adjectives in masuline singular form, so we can’t make an exception for this one.
“Навынос” is an adverb an is written as one word, unlike “на вынос” - a verb with preposition “мы смотрели на вынос флага”.
Hope you find it useful.
Best regards, Pavel
thanks for noticing, we have now corrected the translation of it.
@Silberfeder, well spotted! The issue was that one is an adjective, and the other is an adverb and we use the same word for both in German. I’ve added “adjective” and “adverb” respectively to the German translation to make it distinguishable.
found an error in translation in course 6 Russion <> German
Russian sentence:
мне кажется, это браслет моей мамы
ich glaube, dass diese Halskette meiner Mutter gehört
The браслет should be replaced by бусы or
in German Halskette by Armband
In the Russian 5 course (Russian for English speakers) there are the words “Risk” and “Risk …” which are pronounced the same, so in hearing exercises this becomes a guess, which is very annoying.