[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

Hi @FlorianDAcquisto,
You are absolutely right, this is Mütze :slight_smile: . Thank you so much for reporting it.
Best of luck.

Hi! As mentioned previously by other users the german translation of слишком might be missleading. Instead of auch (тоже…?), sehr (очень…?) many would rather translate it with zu viel. This is the Russian 1 course for German natives.

Hi @FlorianDAcquisto,
Thank you for the comment. You are right of course, there has been a mix up with English meaning of ‘too’. We have corrected it now.
All the best

Hi there - I’ve just started Russian 3, but when I choose “Learn New Words” it’s starting me at Level 30 for some reason. I’ve cleared my progress twice and re-downloaded the course, checked I have no progress showing, yet still it starts at level 30. Is this normal?


I found some mistakes in the Russian Course 1 & 5 for Japanese speaker.

Russian 1, Level 13
некрасивый いにくい -> 醜い

Russian 5, Level 8
государство 経済 -> 国家
экономика 税金 -> 経済

Hey, was there an update pushed through for the keyboard lately?


Certain letters cause a ’ above the previous letter. It makes using the onscreen keyboard more time consuming than it needs to be. Using Chrome.

Just me? Known issue? Any fixes?



I have the same problem. In Chrome as well.

I am having the same problem. Also on chrome.
Makes typing correct answers almost impossible.
Would appreciate a solution!

I’m also having the same problem. I can get rid of the accent if it is any other than the starting letter. Now impossible to get any words starting with P or b correct.
This keyboard update needs to be rolled back as it was working fine before.
It does also take longer to type the words as we have to get rid of the accent.

Lost my streak because of this :frowning:

hope they fix this asap

Issue also reported here:

@Learningisfunexcepti, @John_Baite, @darkmushy, @moreolives, @julia.7e, @Yannie-Booga,
Thank you for reporting the issue. It has been fixed now. Please log out and log in again to have the updated version. Best of luck!



Russian 7, level 15.

В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.
Не думаю, что это хорошая идея сокращать до “В чужой монастырь…”. Приходится объяснять всё выражение целиком.

I found another mistakes in Russian course for Japanese.

Russian 5, level 20
закончить: 終わる–>終える or 終わらせる
“закончить” is a transitive verb.
“終わる” is an intransitive verb.
“終える” or “終わらせる” are transitive verbs.

Russian 5, Level 18
плотностью: 全体邸に–>全体的に
This is a typo.

Russian 2, level13
зависимый: 中毒–>依存している
“зависимый” is an adjective.
“中毒” is a noun.

Russian 1, Level 13
некрасивый いにくい --> 醜い or みにくい
It’s still wrong. Probably it’s a typo.

Hi @YusukeSaito61-san!

Thank you for pointing out those awkward translations!
We have made the changes based on what you have told us :muscle:
You will need to log out and log in again to see all the changes. If the changes are not there even if you re-log in, let us know!

Additionally, below are some of the comments I got from our Russian Specialist about some of the items, if you are interested:)


Russian 5, level 20
закончить: 終わる

This verb can be both transitive and intransitive, so we’ve changed it to include both here.

Russian 2, level13
зависимый: 中毒

You’re right, it should be translated as an adjective in the course. But just for your information, this can also be used as a noun to mean “an addict” in some context.

Hello again language pals, I guess there was another update pushed through?

Using the webapp via Chrome, it appears the keyboard is lacking certain characters. @pasha75 including you here as you seem to be the guy in charge of it, apologies if not.

Thanks in advance.

Russian 6, level 16.
Sentences: “они больше друг с другом не разговаривают” and “вы никогда друг с другом не разговариваете”

The audio doesn’t match the sentences. Could the incorrect audio be either removed or replaced? Because right now it’s very confusing.

Hello :slight_smile:

In the Russian course for French, some translations are not literal. I wanted to know if it is voluntary. Some examples from Russian 5

  • например, у них способности к математике / ils sont bons en maths par exemple > Par exemple, ils sont bons en maths
  • у неё особенные способности к пению / elle est très bonne en chant > Elle est particulièrement bonne en chant
  • я не умею рассказывать анекдоты / je ne sais vraiment pas raconter les blagues > Je ne sais pas raconter les blagues
  • я думаю, математика сложна / je trouve les maths difficiles > je pense que les maths sont difficiles


Hi @xKimka,
Thank you for spotting the error. The item had been adjusted now.
Best wishes.

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Hello :slight_smile:

Russian for French speakers 5, Level 10 : “гола не было!” /
« c’était pas un goal ! ». This doesn’t mean anything in French. I think that first it may be « but » instead of « goal », but even with this change, it wouldn’t be something that we say in French. I don’t understand the context of the sentence in Russian to find the appropriate translation in French

Edit: and maybe also the card “goal” should be translated by « but » instead of « goal ». « Goal » in French means “Goalkeeper”
