[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

Hi @jrcapp

Yes, this is how we measure time - forward thinking, not backwards: 7.20 - twenty minutes of eight, as '20 minutes from 8 O’clock"

When you get closer to the end fo the hour it would be “eight without twenty minutes”, also forward thinking.

Hope it helps.

In Russian 5 level 5, the male audio for “Насколько сложно это может быть?” and “мнение” are switched. Also, the word дело has almost the same definition as the previously learned дела, making it confusing in some tests.

Hi @JoeyBF,

Thank you for your comments. We are updating the audio at the moment. As per дело - it is singular from дела, so naturally it has the same definition. However, phraseological use of the singular and plural forms are quite different which you will to learn during the course.

All the best,


пожалуйста, скажите, где можно оставить сообщение с багами и ошибками приложения ? Английский.

@Tigger1422, пожалуйста оставляйте все предложения и замечания в этом форуме. Также пожалуйста указывайте название курса и уровень, чтобы мы смогли быстрее найти и исправить ошибки.


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Hello, I noticed a small mistake in the Russian 5 course. The phrase ‘мои бабушка и дедушка ездили в Африку в молодости’ is translated as ‘my grandpa and grandma…’ rather than the other way around.

This still hasn’t been fixed (Course 3 for English - UK).


Starting from lesson 24 - the Lost in Space lesson contains the months of the year

  • lesson 25 Months and Dates contains vocabulary about money
  • the Bargaining lesson 26 contains furniture
  • the furniture lesson 27 is about finding things
  • the Finding Your Kit lesson 28 is about travel vocabulary
  • Exploration lesson 29 is about making plans
  • lesson 30 looks fine, but then Lesson 31 only has 5 items, and lesson 32 has only 4 items.
    Then, from lesson 33 onwards it looks correct again.

Hi, @xyzavex,

Thank you for spotting that. We have put it in the right order now.
All the best,


Dear @Fpahk and @mackination,

Thank you very much for your vigilance. We have corrected the inconsistencies. Wish you a pleasant journey into the Russian course.

Best regards,


Hello, this is about the Russian - Portuguese version of the course:


  • угол - translated as “equina”, but should be “esquina” (Russian 3 level 4), I also think you should include the translation “ângulo” (angle).

  • здание - translated as “construção”, but should be “edifício” (Russian 3 level 4)

  • его интересуют языки - translated as “os idiomas me interessam” (languages interest me), but I think it should be “ele se interessa por idiomas” (he is interested in languages) (Russian 3 level 17)

  • давать - translated as “dar permissão; deixar”, but “dar” (to give) should be included as well, even more because it seems to be the most used meaning of this word (Russian 3 level 25)

  • план - translated as “avião”, but should be “plano” (Russian 3 level 29)

  • комната - was translated as “sala”, but I think it would be more accurate to translate it as “quarto, aposento” (Russian 3 level 29)

  • ты хочешь пойти? - translated as “vocês querem vir?”, but as far as I know, it should be translate as “você quer vir?” (Russian 3 level 29)

  • ты хочешь пойти или как?" - translated as “vocês querem vir ou não?” but same as above, as far as I know, it should be “você” (singular) and not “vocês” (that is the plural form) (Russian 3 level 29)


Some translations are very similar (or identical) making it very frustrating when you have to review the words and don’t know which one the exercise wants.

мне можно - “eu posso” (Russian 1 level 13)
я могу - “eu posso; eu consigo” (Russian 3 level 25)

короткий - “baixo” (Russian 1 level 13)
низкий - “baixo” (Russian 2 level 19)

нет - “não” (Russian 1 level 1)
не - “não” (Russian 1 level 8)

классный - “legal; incrível” (Russian 1 level 13)
классно! - “legal!” (Russian 3 level 19)

спальня - "quarto"
четвёртый - “quarto” (Russian 3 level 23) You could include an indication, for example: “Quarto (número cardinal)

I wonder if in the exercises you could make somethings like: “eu posso (not ‘я могу’)” (just to tell the user which word you don’t want them to use)

Other things

  • официант and официантка are separated, but the other professions are in pairs (like “журналист; журналистка,” “учитель; учительница”, etc.) don’t know if it’s on purpose or not.

  • In some words, the female/male voices are in the “wrong” order, the first icon which in general is the female is the male and vice-versa, for example in багаж (Russian 3 level 20).

Edit: Added two more things (the phrases with пойти) to the “mistakes” paragraph.

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Hello! I’d like to suggest one (small for some but major for others) thing. Use common Slavic words for the course. Perchatky for gloves? Sure, but I didn’t know until now that they also use the words ‘Rukavitse’ which are used in Slovak and Czech as well. There are more of these words. It’d be really assuring for us speakers o Slavic languages, knowing that we can indeed use our common words and not to look like illiterates in the eyes of Russian native speakers!


Thank you for your comment. You have a valid point, of course. The problem is that Russian corse is the same for all languages and it might be difficult to tailor similarities to each specific language. In case of Perchatki and Rukavitsi - these are two different types gloves. Rukavitsi - mean ‘mittent’ rather than gloves. There’s another word for it ‘варешки’. So we just use the first most common meaning for the word, even though there might be others more similar to your language. I hope it makes sense.

Thank you


Thanks for the explanation. We use Rukavice for every type of gloves here, so I thought it’d be the same. Well anyway, it was just a suggestion. I am aware it’d be a difficult task.

Hello @brian_ch!

Thanks a lot for your detailed message.

By the next days, I’ll take a look at each suggestion/report and work on necessary adjustments.

Do let me know in case you have additional comments.


The Russian letter M sounds like our M, however the Russian letter m sounds like an English t. The Russian language doesn’t have a symbol that looks like t… is there something I’m missing because this is making the Russian course difficult for me.

In block letters Russian does have the letter т, which sounds similar to the English t, I think you are confusing it because in cursive letters (in handwriting) the “т” is written like an “m” in Russian.


Thank you for your comment. @brian_ch is absolutely right, these are discrepancies between two types of writing in Russian. I would suggest for you to stick to the block Russian letters for the beginning to make your life easier. (e.g. Block capital T are the same in Latin and Cyrillic).

Best of luck.


Hi @brian_ch.

I’ve fixed all ocurrences mentioned in the first section of your message (“Mistakes/Typos”). I’ll be taking a look at the other ones soon.

Thanks again for your quite helpful suggestions.



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how can i find sample mems in russian ? (i speak turkish and english)

This (мои бабушка и дедушка ездили в Африку в молодости in a different order than the English) was still an issue for the Russian 5 course (for English speakers) on the app this morning. I was asked to translate the phrase from English into Russian and I put дедушка first, because it was listed first in English and was marked off.