Let this thread be for examples, questions and answers involving the inessive; the local case that expresses that something is “in” something. I have a bunch of sentences I put togther that need overview. For those who are unfamiliar with the inessive I suggest to review the material in http://www.uusikielemme.fi/inessiivi.html .
Ilmapallo leijua taivaassa. [The balloon floats in the sky.]
Perhe syövät mökkissä. [The family eat in the cottage.]
Työntekijä työskentelee tehtaassa. [The employee works in the factory.]
Jani istuu saunassa. [Jani sits in the sauna]
Lääkeesi on apteekissa. [Your medicine is in the pharmacy.]
Nainen odottaa lentoasemassa. [The woman waits in the airport.]
Postisi on postissa. [Your mail is in the post office.]
Ruoka on kuuma ravintolassa. [The food is hot in the restaurant.]
Sara ja Aino puhuvat pubissa. [Sara and Aino talk in the pub.]
Ystävät kuiskaillavat teatterissa. [The friends whisper in the theater.]
Kalat uivat sinisessä järvessä. [The fish swim in the blue lake.]
Valmentaja treenaa kuntosalissa. [The coach trains in the gym.]
Miehet juovat baarissa. [The men drink at the bar]
Matkustaja ajaa? kelteisessä taksissa [The passenger rides in the yellow taxi.]
Paristot ovat mustsassa taskulampussa. [The batteries are in the black flashlight.]
Astiat ovat likainen astianpesukoneessa. [The dishes are dirty in the dishwasher.]
Vesi teekaneessa on kylmä. [The water in the teapot is cold]
Lulu upoaa vedessa. [The toy sinks in the water.]
Kortti on kirjekuorissa. [The card is in the envelope]
Sanat ovat punaisessa sanakirjassa. [Words are in the red dictionary.]
Kokkimme keittiössä. [We cook on the kitchen.]
Päivällisesi on uunissa. [Your dinner is in the oven.]
Kellua - to float does not work, as it denotes floating in something, and the stem is taivaa- so it would be taivaassa.
Lääkeensä - his/her/its medicine, lääkeesi would be your medicine.
You need to remember that adjectives take the same suffixes as the words they are modifying/enhancing. sinisessä järvessä, kelteisessä taksissa etc. as it is a property that belongs/is part of the object.
As far as forming the case on the end of words it is nearly all correct, the phrasing needs some work, they seem a little unnatural.
In this one I use possessives and I’m a little weary of it. I hope I’m on the right track.
Elämä on tämä hetkessa. [Life exists in this moment.]
Vatteeni ovat mun laukkussa. [My clothes are in my bag.]
Opiskelen minun kirjoutuspöydässä. [I study at my desk.]
Työkalut ovat minun työkaupakissa. [The tools are in my toolbox]
Avaimesi ovat sinun taskussa. [Your keys are in your pocket.]
Kynäsi on sinun kädessa. [Your pen is in your hand.]
Ystävä ovat minun teltassa. [Her friends are in her tent]
Kissa on hänen laatikossa. [The cat is in it’s box.]
Lapsi nukkuu hänen sänkyssä. [The child sleeps in his bed.]
Isoäiti istuu hänentuolissa. [The grandmother sits in her chair.]
Vauva pelaa hänen huoneessaa. [The baby plays in his room.]
Kesässä uimme meidän allassa. [In the summer we swim in our pool.]
He elävät heidän talossa. [They live in their house.]
He ajavat heidän talossa. [They drive in their car.]
Lapset ovat heidän huoneessa. [The children are in their bedroom.]
Siellä on ajatuksia minun mielessa. [There are thoughts in my mind.]
Mun vartalossa siellä ovat elimet. [In my body there are organs.]
So aou work with e and i, they cannot be in the same word as äöy. Äöy can also by used with e and i but not a, o or u. And if a word only uses i and e, you use the higher vowel ä.
With compound words you base the ending on the last word.
A few examples;
Katu - kadussa
Pöytä - pöydällä
Mies - miehellä
Jääkaappi - jääkaapissa (Jää + kaappi)
Viikonpäivä - viikonpäivällä (Viikko + päivä)
Sänky has a consonant gradation to sängy- so it would be sängyssä.
Siellä is a place there not as in ‘there are’. INCORRECTMielelläni on ajatuksia - mieli + (addessive) -lla/-llä (in/on) + my personal -ni.INCORRECT Just had this double checked this sentence construction type does not work with mieli, the only changes would be to drop siellä and re-order the words; mun mielessä on ajatuksia.
Generally with the shortened/spoken version of hän/hänen, se/sen it is used after that person has been referred to, as you know to assume what the ‘it’ is.
So for these examples sticking with hän/hänen would be better.
Why us Pöytä - pöydällä? I know pöydässä can be done because it is in the examples on Uusi Kielemme. Or are you just adding it in for examples? It’s confusing as I am not familiar with that ending just yet.
I threw siellä just to see if it would work but I guess I didn’t need to add it in the sentence. I’ll play it a little more safe from now on.
As far as forming the case it works fine, but do you study inside of the table? -lla/-llä (adessive) generally means on, if you wanted to say that you are sitting at the table you would use a different construction;
(minä) istun pöydän ääressä - I sit at the table
(minä) istun pöydän ääressä opiskelemassa - I am sitting at the table studying
Pöydällä was just for example, but all of the location cases are formed the same way besides illative, so once you know how to form -ssa/-ssä you know all the stems for any location case besides illative.
Maybe they just added that example in it for practice.
How do I get the stems? I was looking over the Illative and I was uncertain how they got the stems.