[Course Forum] Portuguese (European) 1 to 7 by Memrise

Hello, everyone!

I was wondering if you guys could help me with something.

I just bought the pro edition for Memrise because I wanted to use Learn With Locals, as well as other pro features. I was trying out the Learn with Locals feature with the Portuguese 1 (Portugal) course and it was working perfectly. But after a while, the option got grayed out. Now I can’t click it.

Does anyone know why that is? Did I go through all the videos already? Will I be able to access them again? Is there a video for each word and sentence in the lesson or are there only a few videos per lesson for specific words and phrases?


Hi, @IgCostaBR ,
I wonder, does Memrise team still support those courses?

We still do not have the words corrected according to Novo Acordo Ortográfico, and it’s really annoying. I suppose that for official course of Memrise and especially when you pay for the premium it should not be acceptable.

There are not so many words to correct.
I am now at level 7, so will repeat them again ( thanks @NPHuynh for yr work):

13 words! Do we want too much?

Hi, hi, couldn’t say why the option is grayed out, because I am learning what and when Memrise recommend, so use “Learn with Locals” only when the course suggest it to me, but no, not all words has videos, at Level 7 por example only phrases are available for “Learn with Locals”, and may be even not all phrases.

In regards to that, I think that it is important to have both options. Not everyone in Portugal is in favor of it and despite being “mandatory” not everyone writes according to it - not to mention that there are Portuguese speaking countries of the diaspora that are against it.
Usually people mention, when required, which option they’ve chosen. :slight_smile:

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There are other words in parentheses that are also confusing.

Any idea?


RE the "what does (temporarily …) mean: Portuguese, just as Spanish, differentiates between permanent and temporary conditions/state, hence there are “ser” and “estar”.

Here’s a → Google search for ser vs estar.

I don’t know if I am wrong but I think the app is showing some errors in the spelling of words that ends with “eto”. Words like these.

If I am not wrong, in the BR Portuguese we write “eto” and in the PT Portuguese “ecto”, like “correto” and “correcto”.

Thank you!