[Course Forum] Planets and Space Travel by savannahchimp

This is the course forum for the Planets and Space Travel course by savannahchimp.

If you find any issues, please feel free to post them here.

@Lien, I don’t think savannahchimp is around anymore. Would you mind add me as a contributor to this course and also this course?

Hi @neoncube,

Thanks for setting up course forums.
As Savannahchimp has been such an active user (with over 30 million points!), I’d like to run this past them first.
I’ll notify you as soon as they reply.

Best wishes,


Okay, sounds good! Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve also recently written a script for course contributors/authors that goes through and deletes entries in a course’s database that aren’t being used in any of the levels. Would it be okay if I posted some links to it on the forums?