[Course Forum] Old French / Ancien français

Old French (franceis, françois, romanz; Modern French: ancien français) was the language spoken in Northern France from the 8th century to the 14th century.


For English and French speakers.

Old French Adjectives
Old French Adverbs
Old French Conjunctions
Old French Nouns
Old French Numerals
Old French Prefixes
Old French Prepositions
Old French Pronouns
Old French Verbs

Lettres en ancien français
Lexique en ancien français de la musique
Lexique en ancien français de la médecine
Lexique en ancien français du militaire
Lexique en ancien français de la religion
Lexique en ancien français du droit
Lexique en ancien français de la cuisine
Lexique en ancien français de la marine
Lexique en ancien français de l’agriculture

If this is meant to be the forum thread for your Old French Language courses I’d suggest you:

  • change the subject to: [Course Forum] Old French Language (this is the naming convention for course threads)
  • provide a link to this thread in the header of your courses (along with some descriptive text) so your users can find the thread here
  • provide an explanation in your original posting

Thanks for adding the courses!

Edit: I’ve changed the subject and added the course forum tag.

Thank you for the comment.
My post has been edited by a moderator.