[Course Forum] Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil by Ikea

Just pointing out the typo!

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Hi @lkgreenwell,

I think you mean this course:


Have a nice time!

Hi @lien,
The course creator does not contribute in this forum under the name @Ikea .
Maybe you can send the course creator an email to invite him/her to the new forum.

Thank you in advance.

Another day to wait…………….gr…gr…(snore)…

I was just trying to correct the typo! Surely a philosophy study course might expect a certain rigour in this matter. It makes it difficult to recommend via social media, etc

Love and Peace, man!

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Hi @DvSt
Thanks for messaging me!
I have corrected the typo in the title.
The course creator hasn’t logged in for over a year, so there’s not much point in emailing them.
Would any of you like to be added as a contributor to the course?


Hi Lien,

Thank you for correcting the typo in the title!

Is OK, if you add me as a contributor to the course:

Have a nice day! :rose:

Hi @lkgreenwell,

Lien has corrected the typo.

You can recommend the course via social media.:+1:

Have a nice time!

Pleasure! You’re now a contributor. As a contributor there’s certain features you can’t access, such as test direction, test type etc
If you would like to alter any of those let me know.

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Lien, thank you!

Nietzsche – Beyond Good and Evil by Ikea

A course for AQA philosophy exam.

Creator: @Ikea = not present in this new forum till now.

Contributor: @DvSt