[Course Forum] N1 新完全マスター 語彙 by Akhety

This is the course forum for the N1 新完全マスター 語彙 course. I finished the course about three months ago, so if there are any errors or admissions, please post here.

Hello, thanks for making the course! I’ve just started it but have noticed a few mistakes.
In the first lesson, the English translation for 気兼ね has a small mistake - ‘feel’ instead of ‘fell’. Also two words have the same English translation which can cause some confusion in testing so maybe you could put a number next to ‘(to) sympathise (with)’ in brackets?
In the second lesson the kanji for 「きゅうゆう」should be 「旧友」and not「級友」.
If I notice any others I’ll be sure to post and thanks again for making the lists!