[Course Forum] Mandarin Chinese 1-3 by Memrise

Just to reassure you, you’re most probably right. 化 doesn’t mean “chemical” to me too.

strangely enough, all the “mainstream” dictionaries give 裙子 for skirt, and not 短裙 duǎnqún… (chinese 2)

also 连衣裙 liányīqún should be “woman’s dress, frock”, or something, not simply “dress” (to dress??)

please fix this :wink:

Mandarin Chinese 3:

All solved @bartek! I like your videos, it helps a lot!

I’ll go through the audios and make sure they are all synced. In the meantime, if you find anything else, feel free to let me know.


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Thank you :wink:

Hi @xia.fan! Sorry if this has already been flagged (but I couldn’t see that it had been) – level 77 in the Mandarin Chinese 3 course appears to be showing pinyin and English, not English and simplified character…? This is also the case on my app. Any help in getting this fixed would be much appreciated!

Also, I just noticed that this level is actually 74 on my app (not 77). Not that this is an issue for me – just thought I’d mention it in case it’s relevant…

Level 77 https://www.memrise.com/course/1427331/mandarin-chinese-3/77/ has no audio :frowning:

Either that or missing simplified characters…?!

@le1 Thanks both for flagging the issue! This is a character level and characters should be showing indeed. I’ll pass this on to the tech team and update you once I hear more.


Good point, implemented!

Hi @yi.liu – thanks for looking into this!


As I bought the Pleco dictionary with OCR, I´d like to train just with pinyin not with chinese characters, is it possible to skip or even delete the character levels? (I just want to learn a little Mandarin Chinese because I’ ll make a journey to China)

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Hi there, are you in charge of the course?

I’m on level 1 now of the English to mandarin course. (Please excuse my spelling below)

As per the screenshot attached, the course implies Jiao and mingzi both mean “name”. This was really confusing. The translation for Jiao should be more like “called” as far as I’m aware.

This would mean that:

Ni Jiao = you’re called …
Ni jiao shenma mingzi = you’re called what name?

Some of the translations include words in brackets to help clarify the translation - this could also be used e.g:

Ni Jiao = you’re called (your name is) …
Ni jiao shenma mingzi = you’re called what name?

While I am new to Mandarin, I believe this is a much better translation than what you used and it is much easier to understand for English learners like myself.

Hello, I’ve been testing this, and I’ve observed that it works when I input pinyin with tones (eg. lǜ sè is valid when the right answer is lǜsè) But NOT when I input pinyin without tones (eg. zongse will not be considered valid when the right answer is zōng sè). As shown on video.

Being able to input pinyin without tones is a very convenient feature in memrise (eg. qian is considered good answer for qiǎn) and I think most people use it, because inputing tones on keyboard or with the mouse is time-consuming. So the problem Hydroptere was talking about is still there for most people I think.

Can you please ask the tech team to fix this, so that neither tones nor spaces matter for validating answers ?

thank you :slight_smile:

NB: Many people came to this forum to complain about this issue, since july 2016 ! Let’s fix it once and for all ! <3

So I just came across a case where even when using tones my answer was denied because of a space (please look at the “you wrote :” section on the screenshot) :

So either this is a bug, or the tech team actually did nothing with the answer-checking engine, and my lǜ sè worked because someone manually entered this alternative answer for the green color item. Either way, please fix this by altering the answer-checking engine so that it works for every word in the chinese course series ! :slight_smile:

I enjoy the app; I completed HSK1 and am reviewing daily before moving ahead on any further chapters. I am having difficulty with the “choose one of three audio pronunciations” reviews. The speakers sometimes speak different words, sometimes the same word with different tones, and sometimes there are two or three speakers, each with their own distinctive voice and pronunciation quality. Sometimes I make a “wrong” choice, but then the “correct” choice is spoken, which is sometimes the same audio file / speaker I chose, that was deemed wrong, and also sometimes the circle or “button” I chose turns green as if it is correct. I also struggle because some of the speaker pronunciations are significantly different from each other, even though they are speaking the same word, and the difference seems greater than the tone difference that might be the subject of the “test.” I cannot capture a screen shot since the page turns quickly after I choose one of the three “buttons.” All these quote marks are because I don’t know what to formally call these features. My apologies.

The effect is that I am penalized for an incorrect choice at times, when actually, the app itself seems to correct me with my own “wrong” choice. Please examine this feature, it is causing me to look around for different Mandarin learning apps.

A second issue is that I have subscribed to Pro for Mandarin, and there are no Pro features available in the app. I wrote to tech support and I was told, in a form reply, that not all Pro features are available for all languages. In the case of Mandarin, apparently, paying for Pro is of little use when there are no actual features implemented for it (yet?). If I am wrong, I apologize, and only request that I be informed as to how I might implement the Pro features I thought would be available. In my experience, the app screen shows the Pro features that might be expected to be provided with a subscription, but they all are grayed out in the app, and touching them yields no action. The only active button is the blue “Review” button.