[Course Forum] Let's Learn Japanese course series (formerly SGJL)

Most likely they (iKnow) got this sentence and it’s English translation from a dictionary and there’s missing context that specifies Tokyo. The idea though is 上り means train headed toward the large city so Tokyo was the large city in context. I’m hesitant to edit the Japanese but I might tweak the English to say “for the city” if it’s really distracting people.

i cant find an ebook version for KLC, was it only published as a paperback? dont want to wait 2 weeks for the book :frowning:

It’s not that large of a problem; I just wanted to know if I was missing something contextually. thanks!

SGJL O3 Heisig #92 町 Keyword: town #208 村 Keyword: village

However, in my RTK (5th edition) the keywords are reversed for those two kanji. Was that changed in the 6th edition? That would make sense, as all three of the dictionaries I have on hand agree that the definitions match the SGJL 03 keywords.

Speaking of Keywords…is there any chance we could be able to change keywords ourselves, as we can in Koohi? Some of Heisig’s just don’t make sense. Frex, it appears he uses the awkward “but of course” for 況 because it corresponds to the Japanese use of it to link two phrases, in the sense of “not to mention”. But when used that way it’s usually written in kana; the kanji usually appears in compounds and always has the sense of “condition” or “situation”. Either of those would be a more useful keyword for reading kanji compounds.

I quite liked Iamwilliam’s RTK Vol. 1 course because the creator has made several very sensible changes to keywords like this. Unfortunately, the course is incomplete at this time.

I purposely switched the keywords, but I believe they’re also switched in the 6th edition. Not sure Heisig chose the way he did but for the most part it’s fine.

As for Memrise, unfortunately there’s no way to personalize your Memrise course like you can with Anki or on Koohii website.

Hopefully, that I included additional meanings for kanji can help alleviate any the problems you might run into. In addition, there’s On and Kun vocabulary in the notes to further help.

Nukemarine, just finished your SGJL 01 - Remembering the hiragana in 3 hours course
I really enjoyed its contents, the format and especially the structure.
I went at it ferociously, any time I had to spare to it I was on it. I would like
to thank you on all of your hard work and for freely giving of your time, energy,
and experience for all of us who are interested in this most difficult language.
My goal with your SGJL program is to follow it to the letter, follow your
added tips and make it a habit.
I have been living in Japan for the past 3 years and my Japanese is about a A1
I have not really dedicated myself to learning the language. I speak little phrases,
little words whenever possible, study on and off, but not nothing with full focus, nothing wholeheartedly. time wasted! It’s so easy to fall into the English teacher+ gaijin bubble,
that before you know it you’re living in an English world inside of Japan! Hence, It’s
why I’ve decided to change my living situation, renouncing my gaijin friends, trying to
change jobs, not being an English teacher and working in a Japanese only
environment(although this one might take some time, realistically) and become nihonjin 100pacento!
I’d like to continue being active in this community and with your person, if I may, to have
accountability. No amount of learning methods, Japanese friends+girlfriends+boyfriends+
spouses, living in Japan+working in Japan+having halfus will give you the language!!
I am living proof and I have so many expat friends who have been here 5+ 10+ years
and still can’t speak Japanese even if their life depended on it! which ironically it does!!!
In so many words thank you.

P.S. Nukemarine If you don’t mind my asking, you’re quite famous in reddit, koohii. Meaning
that you have been learning Japanese? for quite some time now? what would you rate your
Japanese level?

Nukemarine, I recently started working on your courses and I’m about halfway through SGJL 3. I want to thank you for all the effort you put into this. The interface on memrise kind of gives me eyestrain. It’s probably because of the animation whenever I move from one card to another. This happens on both PC and android. Do you happen to have the anki versions of these courses?

The ones I posted way back when were taken down during the copyright purge. However, if you find a deck that includes a field with 2k1KO index, you can sort by that, and suspend any kanji beyond 555.


Have you ever thought of using Chokochoko articles collection as a part of SGJL series for reading practice, perhaps following a similar format as this course:

Short vocab lists followed by Media level with reading passage, free graded reading materials, I think many people would find them useful.

I use JDI (Japanese Drama Immersion) for that purpose. For example, Zettai Kareshi ep 01 will cover the entire subtitles to that drama equating to approximately 15 pages of text. I include links to the drama’s transcript which people can read. I might run that transcript through JTAT, remove existing vocabulary, and post words unique to that text. So people can not only watch the drama without subtitles, they can read the story without much effort for training both listening fluency and reading literacy speeds.

So SGLI is formal and structured, while JDI will cover a variety of dramas and possibly anime.


I wouldn’t count on conversational Japanese alone for reading practice, here is the collection link if someone would like to check it out:


Definitely not an equivalent nor a replacement for JDI, it is just a collection of free graded stories and academic articles, I think it’s important to be exposed to different types of written materials.

Looking forward to anime immersion course.

Those were a pretty good collection. What I am tempted to do, but might leave for another, is create a reader course for Harry Potter book 1 chapter 1. Basically, each chapter is a course. Each course has lessons of vocabulary and sentences. Each of those will be based on about 1 page from the book (about 20 to 30 sentences). The vocabulary will be anything that’s not in the Basic SGJL (Core 2k, Tae Kim or ADoBJG). The sentences and vocabulary will do Text to Speech audio much like the grammar courses use now. Much like JDI, it gets people reading actual Japanese text of an engaging story.

The course you showed somewhat does this already. However, it doesn’t offer sentences as their own entries which could help new readers.

My real hope is that others make courses like I’ve been making for a much larger selection for learners to choose from. Drama are my top choice, but anime and book and even short selections like the graded readers here work just as well.

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Hi all, i just noticed that most of the explanations on Remembering the kanji, volume 1 is very effective for me. Do you guys know where to get those? Sample pic:

Here is the course:


I wouldn’t get too attached to them, they don’t cover all the Kanji in the book, the author of RTK only covers the first few hundred characters, and then explained how the student should make their own stories.

Check this out:

You can find the stories you are looking for in addition to Koohii community top stories for every Kanji (explore higher in the directory of website for index of RTK)

I see, thanks just noticed it too by checking other kanjis. This course is almost perfect just need a bit of memorable stories so i dont get stuck for too long. :smile:

I had put 04 DoBJG on hold while I did the part of 04 Tae Kim that’s not covered in DoBJG. Now I’ve started DoBJG Lesson 07 Vocabulary and I feel like I’ve been tossed into the deep end of the pool. Four-character compound kanji! Eighteen stroke kanji! Yikes!

That said, I’m doing fine with it, thanks to Memrise. I think their algorithm is genius. I’ve studied Japanese with all kinds of materials and in all kinds of ways, and this is the best learning tool I’ve seen, by far. It turns out that the Memrise learning component, which I thought was kind of silly and simplistic at first, has really helped me with retention.

So I want to thank you twice - first for recommending Memrise, which I happened to see you mention when I dropped by Koohi for the first time in a couple of years, and again for putting together all this material. I especially appreciate you formatting the DoBJG sentences, and I’m even liking the Tae Kim this time around. Oh, and the audio, while a little spotty, is much appreciated, too.

I wish I were able to help out in some way in order to advance this project, but I’m afraid the tech aspects are beyond my skill set. If there’s ever a need for financial assistance, I’d be happy to contribute. Again, many thanks.


Glad it’s helping. I realized both by doing the course and with feedback from others that ADoBJG, despite the name, is pretty dense and not something to start off with. Using it at the end of the recommended course or taking it after doing the equivalent (Genki II for example), made it much more approachable. I agree about Memrise having an effective system, though I usually add that it is still a pain in the ass to make content for it. Great for the student though.

As far as help, so long as you report errors or problems, that will be enough. I can’t catch everything and depend on others to point out the weaknesses where they exist.

I understand the difference when it comes to actual learning methods but I just glanced at SGJL 03. Isn’t the memrise for remembering the kanji and KKLC basically the same as were only using them to associate the english word to the kanji? We’re not actually learning the readings until the core 2k/6k sections either way. And if there is a difference, which once do you recommend?

The KKLC course is run by another person, but it does the same thing in that you learn the 555 kanji from 2k1KO in the KKLC order. I recommend the RTK course as I proctor it and have even made a 30 hour video series for it.

Hi nukemarine, I plan to work on the RTK1 with anki and jump straight ahead to SGJL 04. I find that I have an easier time remembering kanji when it’s not multiple choice. How can I make the most of Tae Kim? Should I write down all the Kanji in each chapter?